What is this config ?
-This config was made to check for playstation network accounts
What is soo special about it anyway there many free playstation configs out there !
-the config provide accurate checking by checkings if the account email changed whitch will instantly bee sent to customs this feature were added specially for people who doesnt have private combos and only use public , more than that this config can check how many playstation emails and orders witch a 100% accurate way not like public other configs also this config define u the region of each account in the capture
config also provide an additional capture (message) it helps provide a better experince for user , we should't ignore that cheapest account of playstation can bee worth a double of the price of this config
Screenshot with Free Proxies:
1 Hit | PSN = 30 | REGION = EN | ORDERS = 6 | MESSAGE = Your PlayStation™Store transaction was successful. Thanks!\r\n\r\nYou will find a copy of your transaction details below and a link to the terms which apply. Please print this and keep it in a safe place for future reference.\r\n\r\nOrder Number: 435903533394\r\nNa | IF U NEED HELP WITH CONFIG PLS CONTACT ME = TG = @configby
Note: I hearby clarify that this Config is not being resold, it is totally made by me & probably no free version of this configs is out there.
PLS IF ANY HAD A HIT BEING SENT TO CUSTOM SENT THE HIT TO @configby After is the config fully sure no more hits to custom i will i will add new capture checks if accounts has 2 factore authentification