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  1. j4y

    Multi/Others  Instagram Username Availability Checker Tool + Banned Accounts Checker

    This program checks availability from a text file list of usernames. It also detects banned accounts. This program sends POST data to the Instagram sign-up page to determine if a username is available with 100% accuracy. It checks ~7 usernames per second, ~400 per minute, or ~24,000 per hour...
  2. j4y

    Multi/Others  Instagram Username Availability Checker Tool + Banned Accounts Checker

    This program checks availability from a text file list of usernames. It also detects banned accounts. This program sends POST data to the Instagram sign-up page to determine if a username is available with 100% accuracy. It checks ~7 usernames per second, ~400 per minute, or ~24,000 per hour...
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