1. join any roblox discord server (da hood is the best) and find a mod/admin to impersonate 2. once you found the admin/mod (for me its bullet#0001 in da hood) you will go to the cryllic alphabet and find letters that are similar to eachother for example l and I 3. change your discord username and tag to the mod/admins and the first part is complete 4. get either a fake discord server (for example mine is discord.gg/dhsupport)) if you can't get a fake discord server, it's fine you can just VC them in dms 5. start finding victims (common way is go to rolimons, go to any item, scroll down to the owners list, change it to recently owned, and go to everyones profile checking if their discord is in their bio) 6. once you found victims, save their roblox username and discord (example: Linkmon99 - Linkmon99#0001) 7. send the victim a message on the account you are impersonating the mod/admin and send this: ---------------- Hey @ (roblox username), I'm reaching out to you as the **Head Moderator** of **Da Hood** because someone made a report on you in the ***Da Hood*** Discord Server, **Reason:** `Sending phising links/Trying to compromise accounts` **If this was a false report/mistake please let us know within *24 hours* by joining our support server and making a ticket. Failing to do so will lead to a developer report which can cause `account deletion and permanent suspension.`** ---------------- 8. next, you want to get a alt account or a friend and send these messages to each other ---------------- (ALT ACCOUNT) : Hey do you mind checking out my YT channel and subscribing, I can lend you 5k robux https://grabify.com/KDO92L (random acc) : screenshotted and reported (ALT ACCOUNT) : kys nigger ---------------- 9. once you sent those messages to your alt, go to https://toolscord.com/ and put the ID of their discord account so you can get their profile picture 10. once you get their profile picture go to your dms with the alt account and inspect element the direct messages (change your ALT ACCOUNTS profile picture and name to your victims) 11. take a picture of the dms you are faking and send it to the victim as well to make them believe it 12. once you sent a picture to your target wait for them to respond (they will either freak out or know its a scam) 13. if they get scared, tell them to **JOIN ON MOBILE**, start screensharing DMs and have them send a friend request to your alt so he can check the messages 14. once hes done showing the dms you are going to ask him if "(their roblox username) is their account", they should respond yes 15. ask some comforting questions such as; do you share your account with anyone? did you buy your account off a 3rd party site? did you compromise or steal that account? did you create it yourself? etc 16. once you are done asking them some questions, have them screenshare and go onto roblox 17. don't do anything too sus so ask them to go their recently played games, friends list and groups 18. now ask them to change their roblox bio (if they have a pin it wont let them) 19. since they can't change their bio without unlocking the pin, when they go to unlock it they are going to be on mobile so you will see the keypad (record the process while they are typing in their pin so you get it) 20. once you got their pin, save it down somewhere 21. now ask them if they have full access to the account (email + 2fa) 22. if they respond yes, have them stop screensharing and ask them to change their password to anything so they can show you that it sends them a email 23. once they changed it and start screensharing, tell them to go their email to see if they got sent something for changing their password 24. it will say "password changed", have them click on it 25. ask them if its a fake email and have them click off and click back on it 26. ask them if they are fine with link validating it to make sure its a legit email and not a fake one 27. they will say sure/how, tell them to hold down where it says roblox.com/login/revert and click copy link 28. now have them go to bitly and tell them to paste it in there and if it lights up green, then its valid but if its red, then its invalid 29. when they put the link in there you will have to take a picture/record so you don't miss it. 30. now as soon as you get the picture, have them go back to their email so they dont think anything of it (now you will type in the bitly link in a new tab and it will take you to their revert page) 31. **MAKE SURE YOU ARE LOGGED OUT OF ROBLOX OR ELSE IT WONT LET YOU REVERT THEIR ACCOUNT** 32. once you get to the spot where you can change their password, have them type roblox at the top and it have them scroll through 33. whenever you click change password, it will send them a email so have them refresh their gmail and take a picture of the code so you log in 34. you are in the account and you can do whatever you want (the best thing would be to change their email to yours and send a trade out