A Gentle Intro To Game Dev Using C# and MonoGame

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 A Gentle Intro To Game Dev Using C# and MonoGame


Nov 21, 2024

2.5 GB | N/A | zip | N/AXN/A | N/A
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
001 Welcome (5.25 MB)
002 Why MonoGame Some Background (12.63 MB)
003 What You Need (30.45 MB)
004 What You are Going to Learn (64.25 MB)
MonoIntro1 (2.53 MB)
005 The Graphics Class Using the Form Paint Method (56.42 MB)
006 Using The Panel Control (60.62 MB)
007 The Checkerboard Challenge Your Turn (43.66 MB)
008 Mouse Events Part 1 Introduction (57.76 MB)
009 Mouse Events Part 2 Using Classes and Data Structures (33.36 MB)
010 Drag and Drop Events And A Challenge Your Turn (18.91 MB)
1-DragDropIntro (407.17 KB)
1-GraphicsClassIntro1 (189.03 KB)
1-MouseMoveIntro1 (69.85 KB)
2-MouseMoveIntro2 (92.37 KB)
2-rutaU12A2 - Drag And Drop (5.39 MB)
3-DiceRollProblem (89.16 KB)
3-MouseProblem (231.03 KB)
4-ClassGraphics (74.06 KB)
4-UpdatedBlackboard (79.76 KB)
5-GraphicsClassIntro2 (72.01 KB)
5A-SimpleHouse (79.81 KB)
5B-Csharp-Draw (70.6 KB)
6-MouseMove (93.37 KB)
6-RGBColors (65.92 KB)
7-Scrolling (891.15 KB)
8-CheckerBoard (70.25 KB)
011 Image Arrays and Timers (50.74 MB)
012 Creating Your Own Animations (67.46 MB)
013 Sample Application The Slot Machine Game (21.12 MB)
014 Moving Objects using Left and Top (46.2 MB)
015 The Car Race Challenge Your Turn (24.14 MB)
016 Moving Objects using DrawImage (30.17 MB)
017 Image Transparency (47.16 MB)
018 Collision Detection and Keyboard Events (31.09 MB)
019 Sound Effects (47.06 MB)
020 The Falling Objects Game Challenge Your Turn (64.59 MB)
1-DrawImageAnimationIntro (100.96 KB)
1-MovingFlipBook (74.19 KB)
1-NewBeachBallsImageArrayBkg (196.5 KB)
1-SoundDemo1 (570.54 KB)
1-TimersIntro (67.25 KB)
2-ArrayOfImagesDemo (81.11 KB)
2-Bouncing (101.66 KB)
3-DrawImageMovingFlipBook (87.32 KB)
3-LogoAnimator (267.24 KB)
4-CollisionDetectionDemo (114.26 KB)
4-FadingForm (67.63 KB)
5-FlipBook (80.37 KB)
5-KeyBoardDetectionDemo (115.76 KB)
6-EyeAnimation (86.16 KB)
6-FullAnimKeyBrdDetGrapBkg (193 KB)
7-DiceRollApplication (150.78 KB)
8-SlotMachine (86.94 KB)
StudentSamples (4.62 MB)
021 Double Buffering (51.5 MB)
022 Mouse Panels and Double Buffering (44.42 MB)
023 Scrolling (20.39 MB)
024 Game Development Part 1 (67.31 MB)
025 Game Development Part 2 The Final Challenge in Plain C Your Turn (38.94 MB)
1-Animation1 (90.98 KB)
2-Animation2 (117.16 KB)
3-Animation3 (172.15 KB)
4-Mouse (172.08 KB)
5-DynaGraphics (96.79 KB)
6-Scrolling (144.79 KB)
BabyGameKybrdVersion1 (244.19 KB)
BabyGameKybrdVersion2 (246.93 KB)
BabyGameMouseVersion (248.71 KB)
SpaceShooterGame (2.06 MB)
StudentSampleGames (90.65 MB)
026 Creating Your First Monogame Project (20 MB)
027 Managing Content (12.93 MB)
028 Displaying The Content The Sprites (34.53 MB)
029 Moving The Sprites (11.07 MB)
030 The Velocity Vector (19.43 MB)
031 Hitting the Wall (17.74 MB)
032 Drawing Text (30.8 MB)
033 Adding Background Music and Sound Effects (50.4 MB)
MonoIntro1 (2.53 MB)
MonoIntro2 (2.64 MB)
MonoIntro3 (2.88 MB)
MonoIntro4 (2.64 MB)
MonoIntro5 (2.65 MB)
MonoIntro6 (2.65 MB)
MonoIntro7 (2.66 MB)
MonoIntro8 (21.74 MB)
034 Problem 1 Static Images (31.84 MB)
035 Problem 2 Moving Images (18.77 MB)
036 Problem 3 Bounce off a Wall (12.13 MB)
037 Problem 4 Incorporating a Class (33.67 MB)
038 Problem 5 Adding Update and Draw To The Class (31.77 MB)
039 Problem 6 Accessors and Mutators (29.41 MB)
040 Problem 7 The Color Property (16.82 MB)
041 Problem 8 Adding A Background (31.22 MB)
042 Problem 9 Background Music (11.12 MB)
043 Problem 10 An Array of Bouncing Heads (46.52 MB)
044 Bonus Lecture A Rotating Sprite (26.04 MB)
1C-RotatingSprites (2.54 MB)
BigGreenHead1 (2.57 MB)
BigGreenHead10 (21.05 MB)
BigGreenHead2 (2.57 MB)
BigGreenHead3 (2.57 MB)
BigGreenHead4 (2.57 MB)
BigGreenHead5 (2.57 MB)
BigGreenHead6 (2.58 MB)
BigGreenHead7 (2.58 MB)
BigGreenHead8 (4.39 MB)
BigGreenHead9 (21.05 MB)
045 The Kicking Baby Animation An Array of Texture2D (30.35 MB)
046 Creating an Animated Sprite Using A Sprite Strip (47.6 MB)
2A-KickingBaby (4.94 MB)
2B-SpriteStrip (2.64 MB)
047 Handling Keyboard Input To Control Movement (24.8 MB)
048 More Keyboard Input Movement and a Sprite Strip (46.28 MB)
049 Collision Detection When Moving Objects with the Keyboard (Build It With Me) (41.13 MB)
050 Simple Game Part 1 Your Turn (Build It With Me) (27.85 MB)
051 Simple Game Part 2 Your Turn (Build It With Me) (44.94 MB)
052 Simple Game RECAP Collision Detection and Keyboard Movement (46.6 MB)
053 Handling Mouse Input in MonoGame (51.41 MB)
054 Creating Your First MonoGame Game Your Turn (58.44 MB)
3A-Intro2DKeyboard (5.12 MB)
3B-SpriteStripKeyboard (2.57 MB)
3C-KeyboardCollision (5.12 MB)
3D-KeyboardCollisionPong (3.59 MB)
4-Mouse (3.01 MB)
5-MyFirstGame (22.63 MB)
6-FullScreenMode (2.53 MB)
055 Game State Management (12.53 MB)
056 The Cannon Shooter Game Part 1 (Build It With Me) (51.48 MB)
057 The Cannon Shooter Game Part 2 (Build It With Me) (43.12 MB)
058 The Cannon Shooter Game Part 3 (Build It With Me) Plus Your Turn Again (51.72 MB)
7-MyFirstGameStateManaged (16.63 MB)
8-CannonShooter (4.45 MB)
GentleVersionCannonShooter (4.45 MB)
059 Introduction to Scrolling (15.07 MB)
060 User Controlled Scrolling (54.1 MB)
061 Scrolling Rotating and Shooting Part 1 (48.43 MB)
062 Scrolling Rotating and Shooting Part 2 (54.72 MB)
063 A Scrolling Game Your Turn (55.74 MB)
1-Scrolling2DBackground (5.57 MB)
2-UpDownScrolling (2.8 MB)
4-DriveFast (2.74 MB)
ScrollingRotatingShooting (2.55 MB)
064 Student Sample Games (48.98 MB)
065 Whats The Next Step (4.89 MB)
MonoJungleRunner (8.23 MB)]


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