These are all tools used in Android hacking, including the rat of Android hacking, all the files are clean, there is no virus, etc. Use the tools at your level, do not use it for wrong things, it is your responsibility.
I also have Prashant Asolia’s course Black Hat, but I can’t share it with you because all files are protected, can’t even record the screen Well I will soon record it at my level and bring it for you
Mega link:_
🗝 3lS7-tBvnxpf8H6H8fHZTrizNvC4wNs8oncSZYcBWCk
Zip Pass PrashantAsoliya#
I also have Prashant Asolia’s course Black Hat, but I can’t share it with you because all files are protected, can’t even record the screen Well I will soon record it at my level and bring it for you
Mega link:_
🗝 3lS7-tBvnxpf8H6H8fHZTrizNvC4wNs8oncSZYcBWCk
Zip Pass PrashantAsoliya#