Some scammers and malicious hackers can seamlessly call you using fake caller IDs ( Caller ID is the phone number of the person calling you ). This is called call spoofing.
Using call spoofing, anyone can call anyone with any caller ID.
Believe it or not, It is pretty simple you can even call yourself with your own phone number!! Thanks to call spoofing.
The telephony systems around the world are so old and antiquated that you could spend a lifetime trying to understand how the public switched telephone network, the Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) the, DID, the phrases, the terminology, the protocols work.
Call spoofing works on the mere fact that the Caller ID which is displayed on the receiver screen depends solely on the Caller ID information provided by the sender. When sender starts a call, the Caller ID is taken from the sender’s device ( software/hardware ) and transmitted to the receiver. Then as soon as the transmitted Caller ID is received, the receiver’s device does a massive lookup to find the person or organisation to whom the Caller ID belongs to.
If the sender finds a way ( which is relatively very easy with present technology) to alter the Caller ID information — which is to be transmitted from his device, he can successfully spoof into anyone’s phone number.
~Number in telnyx account (costs about $2)
~Virtual Box