Remote Media Control:
Pause/play music or video, skip tracks, adjust volume, or mute/unmute. Forgot to turn off the music before heading out? No worries anymore!Screenshot Capture:
Take a screenshot of your computer (even across multiple monitors) and receive the image directly via Telegram. You can also monitor running processes. I often download games when I'm out, so I take screenshots and send them to Telegram to check on progress.Remote File Upload:
Send files remotely via commands. I frequently edit documents on my home PC, only to remember at work that I forgot to upload them to the cloud. This bot has saved me countless times!Power Off and PC Management:
Turn off your PC remotely, or cancel a shutdown if needed.Check CPU and RAM usage, see the top resource-hungry applications, and even view your computer's public IP address. This feature is super handy if you're hosting a server at home and need to access its IP.
Access Control:
Restrict access to the bot or share access with others.The first person to message the bot becomes the admin.
Anyone else must send a /request_access command to request permission. The admin gets notified and can approve or deny access with a single button click.
Note: If you let your partner control movies but they start taking screenshots of your PC, that's on you!