But you can use same method to load all credit cards simply by following the same Tutorial below and you will be able to load ANY given credit card
You Should Know Loading Credit Card is the same as paying bills on that particular credit card.
• When your client gives the credit card with online access, Kindly open any search engine and type “Name + Credit Card Login”, if it’s USAA CREDIT CARD. it will be “USAA credit card login” , CHASE will be “chase credit card login” etc..
• You can also download the mobile app from playstore or AppStore as well
• You can even get the URL by searching the credit card name on
google and you will see a redirecting link to the home page of that
particular credit card
1]• Login With the USERNAME and PASSWORD
2]• A verification code will be sent to the EMAIL or PHONE NUMBER attached
3]• Get the verification code and input it here, then click on ➡NEXT
4]• Select the account you would like to load and click on PAY
5]• Let’s add a Bank on the credit card in other to pay the bills .. Most
credit cards isn’t same method but just try to understand the process..
Click on FROM
6]• Select the Account Type. The bank am using to pay the bills is a
checking account so I chose “checking” as my option
7]• This is the next page which shows after selecting your account type
8]• Tick “YES” to authorize payment from account and input the
ACCOUNT NUMBER , ROUTINE NUMBER and the name on the bank
you’re paying from as ACCOUNT HOLDER NAME of the bank login you
bought from source or from spammer. The Nickname there is optional
but you can type anything there to represent something. Click on Add
this Account
9]• I added a chase bank account. Now click on AMOUNT TO PAY
10]• On this section you will be asked to enter the amount which you
want to pay to the card. The Current Balance is the debt on the credit
card. I mostly recommend you to pay all the current balance. So just
11]• You got to choose a date in which you want payment to be
scheduled and click on PAY
12]• Once everything is intact, a pop up will show then you just click on
YES, PAY to complete the payment
13]• Payment successfully scheduled so you either save the receipt for
future reference or just ignore by clicking CLOSE option
• After 1-2 business days, the money loaded on the credit card will finally reflect but some cards are instant reflection after loading get good Bank Logs from trusted source to make this bag 𑠀
This very simple so not always you need to give your pal ein Card to a loader to later Chop your ass. More will be dropping on Experthackers Recommend channel to friends.