Wallet Injection 12words + passwords [ Exodus, Atomic ]
Percistance Hidden Startup + if reg get deleted = auto come back :)
Files Stealer [.txt, .doc, .docx, .rdp, .pdf and more]
Binder, will add exclusion to your file to bypass defender.
Discord Token, Friends with rare badges, Credit card
Discord Info - Username, Phone number, Email, Billing, Nitro Status & Backup Codes
Discord About Me changer, HQ Guilds Admin/Owner
Steal Backup 2FA Code [ Discord, Epic Games, Github ]
Grabs crypto wallets - Zcash Armory Bytecoin Jaxx Exodus Ethereum Electrum AtomicWallet Guarda Coinomi MetaMask
Browser (Chrome, Opera, Firefox, OperaGX, Edge, Brave, Yandex) - Passwords, Cookies, Autofill & History (Searches for specific keywords such as PayPal, Coinbase etc. in them)
Screenshots all screen
Telegram Session stealer
Riot Games Session stealer
FTP stealer (FileZilla)
Minecraft Session stealer & validator
Instagram Session stealer & validator
Roblox Session stealer & validator
Steam Session stealer & validator
TikTok Session stealer & validator
Twitter Session stealer & validator
Reddit Session stealer & validator
Epic Games Launcher Session stealer
Password = @crysiox.64