Google Sheets Masterclass: The Power of Excel and Analysis
Unleash the Power of Google Sheets: Master Data Analysis, Visualization, and Collaboration
What you will learn:
Develop real-life spreadsheet challenges with easeMaster Pivot tables, eye-catching charts and sparklines to create impressive Google spreadsheets
Create interactive & visually effective progress charts and dashboards in Sheets
Learn hidden Google Sheets features that even the Experts don't know
Import & append data from other Google Spreadsheets across the world
Learn advanced functions like QUERY, IMPORTHTML, IMPORTXML and more
Secrets to properly use tricky features like Conditional formatting
Write BigQuery and Query langue for Big Data sets to get the dynamic results as quickly
Apply VLOOKUP, and XLOOPUP formulas to get quick lookup results from your business needs
Learn how to collaborate with teams and work in globally protected scenarios
Learn What is Generative AI / Gen AI