At the 2025 Consumer Electronics Show, Google unveiled its plans to integrate artificial intelligence into Google TV, enabling users to engage in natural conversations with their television and enhancing the overall personalized experience for consumers.
"You and your family will soon have the ability to converse naturally with your TV, simplifying media searches like never before," explained an Alphabet, Inc. (GOOG) blog post. "Users can inquire about topics such as travel, health, space, and history, with video results providing additional context."
The upcoming iteration of Google TV will feature Gemini, which will respond to user questions and incorporate video content from YouTube, offering quick responses directly on the screen.
Additionally, users will enjoy more seamless control over their smart home devices via Google TV, thanks to voice-controlled artificial intelligence.
To create a more immersive experience, Google is developing an on-screen hub that detects when a user approaches the TV and displays tailored widgets, including news, weather updates, and calendar reminders.
"These enhancements will be available on select Google TV devices later this year," Google confirmed.
The material has been provided by InstaForex Company -
"You and your family will soon have the ability to converse naturally with your TV, simplifying media searches like never before," explained an Alphabet, Inc. (GOOG) blog post. "Users can inquire about topics such as travel, health, space, and history, with video results providing additional context."
The upcoming iteration of Google TV will feature Gemini, which will respond to user questions and incorporate video content from YouTube, offering quick responses directly on the screen.
Additionally, users will enjoy more seamless control over their smart home devices via Google TV, thanks to voice-controlled artificial intelligence.
To create a more immersive experience, Google is developing an on-screen hub that detects when a user approaches the TV and displays tailored widgets, including news, weather updates, and calendar reminders.
"These enhancements will be available on select Google TV devices later this year," Google confirmed.
The material has been provided by InstaForex Company -