ntroduction to Houdini
HOUDINI (Hundreds of Offensive and Useful Docker Images for Network Hacking) is a curated list of
network security related Docker images for network hacking purposes. Many images are created and kept up to date through our
RAUDI project, which automatically updates Docker images every time a new version is available. HOUDINI is a collaborative project created by
SecSI , and everyone can contribute through new webapp features or just adding new tools.
We are happy to share our knowledge with the
open source
community because we think that this way we can all grow and get better at our jobs.
3proxy Altdns Amass Apktool Aquatone Arachni Arjun BeEF BFAC Binwalk celerystalk CeWL Chisel clair CloudFail CMSeeK crowbar CryptoLyzer CVE-Search Datasploit Decker dejavu dex2jar Dirb dirhunt dirsearch dnscan dnsenum dnstwist Dorks Eye dozzle dvcs-ripper EyeWitness Faraday fast-recon ffuf fierce Findomain Findsploit GetJS Gitrob GitTools gobuster GoogD0rker GoSpider gowitness Ground control Hakrawler hakrevdns hashID httprobe HTTrack hydra impacket JoomScan The JSON Web Token Toolkit knock LFI Suite LinkFinder MASSCAN MassDNS Memcrashed DDOS Exploit Tool Metasploit mitmproxy Mobile Security Framework netifyd netshoot nikto Nmap Nuclei OpenVAS oxml_xxe pagodo Patator Photon PivotSuite psalm pureDNS qark Race The Web Retire.js routersploit rshijack RustScan Sandcastle scanless SearchSploit seclists SimplyEmail SlowHTTPTest Sn1per SonarScanner CLI SpiderFoot spidy spyse.py sqlmap SSLyze Striker Subfinder Subjack Sublist3r testssl.sh theHarvester WAFW00F Wapiti Wappalyzer waybackpy Wfuzz WhatWeb WPScan Xray XXEinjector ysoserial OWASP ZAP ZMap