Hello today's tutorial is how to get unlimited premium Atlas vpn for lifetime with just simple trick follow my instructions:
1.first you need to install Atlas vpn from playstore but dont open it
2. Enter my referral code from here ( ) it will redirect you to atlas vpn app
3. Enter your real email and confirm it and it will give you 3 premium days
4. go to your dashboard and copy your referral code and save it somewhere
5. Erase the data for the vpn app and here's our trick..take temp mail from any site or app and copy your referral code on browser it will redirect you to vpn app again paste the temp mail and confirm it and congratulations your main account (real email) got rewarded with +7 days
6. Do this trick multiple times and eachtime you got more 7 days till unlimited
Note: remember eachtime you do it to erase data for the app and erase the cashe for the browser.
And thats it..sharing is caring leave a like for support.