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Then remove these lines.
Navy Fed TutorialThen remove these lines.
I take it as if everyone here knows how to buy SSN so please I need you to get your drops and SSN’s ready
Set off your VPNs and RDPs
-Phone also works even if not on RDP
2. First google Navy federal credit union and select become a member
Click on Join now or sign up
Made by xconnor of hackersnacks tutorials
3. Now select
"Im serving or have served in the military
4. Now select
"Im serving or have served in the military
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5. now select 'I'm a veteran"
6. You can select "Navy" or "Army"
7. Select
"Retired/still employed"
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8. You will see this
Agree and continue
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9. You can begin putting your SSN details in
10. the next page
File in the number and email you created and scroll down
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11. Under the "Address type"
Select US
Fill in your drop's address
Please note this point well. Your drop address not address on the Ssn you are using but if same person will receive the card then you don’t have any problem
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12. Under"Zip code"
You will see " Have you lived at this address longer than 6 months?" Select "NO"
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13. Put in the SSN victim's SSN address as previous address
14. put in the ID either state ID or DL And select the State
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If you bought the fullz and you don’t have the dL or state ID just generate fake one
15. Now fill in the Work details that can be be found the the JOB description side of the website you used to build the SSN fullz
16. now my is a Insurance Broker in Hartford Ins Group so i just filled it Made by xconnor of hackersnacks tutorials
17. You can select any of the accounts but mostly just leave it at first one
18. Now Navy would want you to fund your account
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Select" Mail a check" on
19. This next screen you get is this
SO just put in the debit card pin you would like to use and continue
Made by xconnor of hackersnacks tutorials
20. Now you get to this page and you have to scroll down to agree with Navy Fed terms and conditions which brings you here
21. Agree and continue
Made by xconnor of hackersnacks tutorials
22. The last step is this
Here it will be decided if they will approve you instantly or not SUBMIT APPLICATION
Made by xconnor of hackersnacks tutorials
23. See, easy as ABCD dawg,Real Quick Now we click on Continue
24. Now you set up online banking
Which is your preferred username and password
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25. After you select a Username and password Click on "Go paperless
26. Now this is a summary of my account details so i will copy and paste them somewhere safe and click on 'SIgn IN"
Made by xconnor of hackersnacks tutorials
27. It will open a new tab and take you to the login page Put in your username and password
28. it will ask you to verify your identity
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In that case they will send a code (numbers only) to your phone or email depending on which one you prefer. I prefer email
29. I put in the code and i am in
This is my Navyfed Account
My drop will receive the card in 7 business days
Made by xconnor of hackersnacks tutorials
-Now you can use name and SSN of the victim to apply for unemployment benefits and use the account numbers to receive your money
Made by xconnor of hackersnacks tutorials