If you are a webshell sellers this how shell scammers works
They will hit your DM and ask you if you got shell if yes they will ask you for domain list for them to select domain
Because they don't want random domain eventually you send them your domain list you got yourself into risk
Firstly, most of those shell scammers have shellfinder software
And they don't ask for few domain they only ask for bulk domain so that they can check and get much shell and resell it on website
With the domain you already send they will use shellfinder or exploit to get the shell, and you all know shell is just URL and they can convert that shell domain you sent to ips and crack alot of cpanel and SMTP etc
So be warned if any buyer comes to your DM for shell tell them you don't send list except they make payment before you send.
They will hit your DM and ask you if you got shell if yes they will ask you for domain list for them to select domain
Because they don't want random domain eventually you send them your domain list you got yourself into risk
Firstly, most of those shell scammers have shellfinder software
And they don't ask for few domain they only ask for bulk domain so that they can check and get much shell and resell it on website
With the domain you already send they will use shellfinder or exploit to get the shell, and you all know shell is just URL and they can convert that shell domain you sent to ips and crack alot of cpanel and SMTP etc
So be warned if any buyer comes to your DM for shell tell them you don't send list except they make payment before you send.