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Introduction to OpenBullet 2 - Available Versions, Setup Tutorials

Introduction to OpenBullet 2 - Available Versions, Setup Tutorials



Jan 27, 2023
Introduction to OpenBullet 2
A tutorial to setting up the newer version of OpenBullet

[Image: EGJjTE8.png]

[Image: gXRamuy.gif]

I.) Introduction
Hello there, welcome to one of the tutorials from the Legends tutorials suite. We shall guide you through the setup of OpenBullet 2, the new version of the infamous tool OpenBullet. OpenBullet is a webtesting suite that allows to perform requests towards a target webapps and offers a lot of tools to work with the results. This software can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pentesting, unit testing through Selenium and much more.

[Image: g59jLsV.jpg]

OpenBullet is a webtesting suite that allows to perform requests towards a target webapp and offers a lot of tools to work with the results. This software can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pentesting, unit testing through selenium and much more. I recommend reading the following tutorials by Lions League member flavoral regarding the legacy version of OpenBullet before proceeding with OpenBullet v2:

[Guide] Lions League | How to Crack Accounts using OpenBullet! by flavoral
[Tutorial] Lions League | Learn How to Make Your Own Simple OpenBullet Config! by flavoral

OpenBullet 2 is a cross platform automation suite powered by .NET Core. With the advent of the new version of OpenBullet, you should now be able to access various interesting new perks such as Linux functionality and a CLI mode. All credits for the creation of OpenBullet go to Ruri, the creator of OpenBullet & the subsequent community of users, supporters, donators, beta-testers and contributors.

II.) Requirements
  • OpenBullet 2 files from the Github repository
  • PC access and preferably a VM/RDP/VPS
  • Stable internet connection
  • ASP.NET Core Runtime 5.0.3 or above
  • .NET Runtime Desktop 5.0.3 or above
  • Free or paid proxies
  • Free or paid configs
  • Public or private wordlists/combolists.

As you may come to understand from the repository, there are three available versions of OpenBullet 2. These will be the webclient, native UI and console/CLI version respectively. The webclient and the console version come with Linux compatibility while the native UI only supports Windows operating systems.

III.) Setup Tutorial - Webclient (Easy)
  • This tutorial is meant for people who want to setup OB2 with minimal hassle and in the easiest way possible. We'll be using the precompiled release available on Github to set up an OB2 instance.
  • Head over to:
  • Download the archive
  • Extract the archive using any compression tool such as 7z, Winzip or WinRAR.
  • Install the latest version of .NET Core:
  • You can also opt to install the new .NET Core 7.0:
  • When you're done with installation, you should also have the latest .NET Runtime Desktop version installed automatically. (included within the packages).
    • If you're on a x64 operating system, you can just run OpenBullet2.exe from the archive
    • If you're on a x86 operating system, you will have to invoke dotnet via CLI so run Command Prompt and use the following commands
      cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\OpenBullet2
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
      Keep in mind to replace the directory in the first command with your respective OpenBullet2 directory.
  • Proceed to http://localhost:5000/setup and your OB2 web-client instance is ready. The instructions for operating OB remain roughly the same with importing Wordlists, Proxylists and Configs and Hits DB management.

IV.) Setup Tutorial - Compile from Source (Intermediate)
  • Within this tutorial we shall be cloning the OpenBullet2 repository and hosting it locally. Git is a DevOps tool used for source code management. It is a free and open-source version control system used to handle small to very large projects efficiently. Git is used to tracking changes in the source code, enabling multiple developers to work together on non-linear development.
  • Install the latest version of .NET 6.0 SDK:
  • Open Git Bash and run the following commands:
    git clone
    cd OpenBullet2/OpenBullet2
    dotnet publish --configuration Release
    cd bin/Release/net6.0/publish
    dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
  • This should allow you to compile your own version of OpenBullet2. You can also perform necessary code modifications on your local repository and compile your own build accordingly.

V.) Setup Tutorial - Docker (Advanced)
  • This tutorial is meant for people who want to run OpenBullet2 as a dockerized application. The Docker platform runs natively on Linux (on x86-64, ARM and many other CPU architectures) and on Windows (x86-64). Docker Inc. builds products that let you build and run containers on Linux, Windows and macOS.
  • I will not be covering the basics on how to install Docker within any OS in this tutorial, it will purely handle setting up OB2 as a dockerized instance. If do you require a tutorial for it, let me know below and I'll make a separate tutorial later on how to install Docker and run OB2 as a multi container application.
  • Create a folder within your OB2 directory to store your user configuration settings
  • Run the following command:
    docker run --name openbullet2 --rm -p 8069:5000 -v C:/Users/admin/Downloads/OpenBullet2/UserData/:/app/UserData/ -it openbullet/openbullet2:latest
  • These shall map port 8069 to port 5000 (default OB2 port), remap your OB2 settings within the container and start an interactive interface for OB2.

VI.) Setup Tutorial - Native (Easy)
  • If you're familiar with the legacy OpenBullet and are a Windows user, you might be preferring the Native version instead of the web-client version. It's way easier to use & setup and as of June 2022, there is support for auto-importing legacy OpenBullet .loli configs into .opk files. (till an extent)
  • Make sure you have the latest version of .NET Core installed for Windows.
  • Head over to
  • Download
    • For 64-bit Windows users, you can run the .exe directly and operate it similarly to OpenBullet 1.
    • For 32-bit Windows users, run Command Prompt and use the following commands
      cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\OpenBullet2
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
      Keep in mind to replace the directory in the first command with your respective OpenBullet2 directory.
  • That concludes it, easiest setup mode within this tutorial.

VII.) Setup Tutorial - Console (Intermediate)
  • The command-line interface (CLI) version of OpenBullet allows you to run functionality without the graphical interface. This is the most optimal way to invoke functionality from the RuriLib core without having to run either of the GUI instances.
  • As usual, you will have two ways to proceed here. Compiling your own build (with any necessary code modifications of yours) or using the pre-compiled release. I shall include both of these here:
    • 64-bit Windows users should be able to run the OpenBullet2.Console.exe file from the archive without any issues
    • 32-bit Windows users will have to run the following command before executing the binary:
      cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\OpenBullet2
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
      Keep in mind to replace the directory in the first command with your respective OpenBullet2 directory.

    • To compile your own version, you can use the following commands with the OpenBullet 2 source code:
      cd OpenBullet2/OpenBullet2.Console
      dotnet publish --configuration Release
      cd bin/Release/net6.0/publish
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.Console.dll --help
  • Here are the official list of usage commands for the CLI version of OpenBullet:
    dotnet OpenBullet2.Console.dll --bots 20 --config Adobe.opk --proxies proxies.txt --pmode On --skip 100 --wordlist
    Adobe.txt --wltype Credentials

    -c, --config Required. Configuration file to be processed.

    -w, --wordlist Required. Wordlist file to be processed.

    --wltype Required. Type of the wordlist loaded (defined within Environment.ini, can be customized)

    -p, --proxies Proxy file to be processed.

    --ptype (Default: Http) Type of proxies loaded (Http, Socks4, Socks5).

    --pmode (Default: Default) The proxy mode (On, Off, Default).

    -s, --skip (Default: 1) Number of lines to skip in the Wordlist.

    -b, --bots (Default: 0) Number of concurrent bots working. If not specified, the config default will be used.

    -v, --verbose (Default: false) Prints fails and task errors.

    --help Display this help screen.

    --version Display version information.

VIII.) Conclusion

If you haven't noticed, OpenBullet 1 or OpenBullet Legacy has reached EOL. "End of life" (EOL) indicates that the hardware or software in question has reached the end of its product life cycle and it ceases to be supported or updated by the developer or software company that created it. Albeit the legacy version being functional these days, I expect that sometime within a few years, it will become obsolete and redundant. I advocate that everyone should familiarize themselves with the new version of OpenBullet and get acquainted to it for uninterrupted usage.

With the rise of shellcode download & execution and hit-logging within legacy OB configs, I recommend users should make themselves aware of the risks they expose themselves to while downloading supposedly "free configs". I shall be addressing this in future threads (how to remain secure from backdoored configs) while working on further information regarding dorks.

I recommend to always use a RDP, VPS or VM while dealing with OpenBullet. If you're looking on how to get a free RDP, you can check out my other Microsoft Azure tutorial.

Here is a small comparison chart of the numerous OpenBullet versions available out here. I hope it will make my point clear.

[Image: 880Xh3n.png]

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Mar 17, 2023
Introduction to OpenBullet 2
A tutorial to setting up the newer version of OpenBullet

[Image: EGJjTE8.png]

[Image: gXRamuy.gif]

I.) Introduction
Hello there, welcome to one of the tutorials from the Legends tutorials suite. We shall guide you through the setup of OpenBullet 2, the new version of the infamous tool OpenBullet. OpenBullet is a webtesting suite that allows to perform requests towards a target webapps and offers a lot of tools to work with the results. This software can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pentesting, unit testing through Selenium and much more.

[Image: g59jLsV.jpg]

OpenBullet is a webtesting suite that allows to perform requests towards a target webapp and offers a lot of tools to work with the results. This software can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pentesting, unit testing through selenium and much more. I recommend reading the following tutorials by Lions League member flavoral regarding the legacy version of OpenBullet before proceeding with OpenBullet v2:

[Guide] Lions League | How to Crack Accounts using OpenBullet! by flavoral
[Tutorial] Lions League | Learn How to Make Your Own Simple OpenBullet Config! by flavoral

OpenBullet 2 is a cross platform automation suite powered by .NET Core. With the advent of the new version of OpenBullet, you should now be able to access various interesting new perks such as Linux functionality and a CLI mode. All credits for the creation of OpenBullet go to Ruri, the creator of OpenBullet & the subsequent community of users, supporters, donators, beta-testers and contributors.

II.) Requirements
  • OpenBullet 2 files from the Github repository
  • PC access and preferably a VM/RDP/VPS
  • Stable internet connection
  • ASP.NET Core Runtime 5.0.3 or above
  • .NET Runtime Desktop 5.0.3 or above
  • Free or paid proxies
  • Free or paid configs
  • Public or private wordlists/combolists.

As you may come to understand from the repository, there are three available versions of OpenBullet 2. These will be the webclient, native UI and console/CLI version respectively. The webclient and the console version come with Linux compatibility while the native UI only supports Windows operating systems.

III.) Setup Tutorial - Webclient (Easy)
  • This tutorial is meant for people who want to setup OB2 with minimal hassle and in the easiest way possible. We'll be using the precompiled release available on Github to set up an OB2 instance.
  • Head over to:
  • Download the archive
  • Extract the archive using any compression tool such as 7z, Winzip or WinRAR.
  • Install the latest version of .NET Core:
  • You can also opt to install the new .NET Core 7.0:
  • When you're done with installation, you should also have the latest .NET Runtime Desktop version installed automatically. (included within the packages).
    • If you're on a x64 operating system, you can just run OpenBullet2.exe from the archive
    • If you're on a x86 operating system, you will have to invoke dotnet via CLI so run Command Prompt and use the following commands
      cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\OpenBullet2
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
      Keep in mind to replace the directory in the first command with your respective OpenBullet2 directory.
  • Proceed to http://localhost:5000/setup and your OB2 web-client instance is ready. The instructions for operating OB remain roughly the same with importing Wordlists, Proxylists and Configs and Hits DB management.

IV.) Setup Tutorial - Compile from Source (Intermediate)
  • Within this tutorial we shall be cloning the OpenBullet2 repository and hosting it locally. Git is a DevOps tool used for source code management. It is a free and open-source version control system used to handle small to very large projects efficiently. Git is used to tracking changes in the source code, enabling multiple developers to work together on non-linear development.
  • Install the latest version of .NET 6.0 SDK:
  • Open Git Bash and run the following commands:
    git clone
    cd OpenBullet2/OpenBullet2
    dotnet publish --configuration Release
    cd bin/Release/net6.0/publish
    dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
  • This should allow you to compile your own version of OpenBullet2. You can also perform necessary code modifications on your local repository and compile your own build accordingly.

V.) Setup Tutorial - Docker (Advanced)
  • This tutorial is meant for people who want to run OpenBullet2 as a dockerized application. The Docker platform runs natively on Linux (on x86-64, ARM and many other CPU architectures) and on Windows (x86-64). Docker Inc. builds products that let you build and run containers on Linux, Windows and macOS.
  • I will not be covering the basics on how to install Docker within any OS in this tutorial, it will purely handle setting up OB2 as a dockerized instance. If do you require a tutorial for it, let me know below and I'll make a separate tutorial later on how to install Docker and run OB2 as a multi container application.
  • Create a folder within your OB2 directory to store your user configuration settings
  • Run the following command:
    docker run --name openbullet2 --rm -p 8069:5000 -v C:/Users/admin/Downloads/OpenBullet2/UserData/:/app/UserData/ -it openbullet/openbullet2:latest
  • These shall map port 8069 to port 5000 (default OB2 port), remap your OB2 settings within the container and start an interactive interface for OB2.

VI.) Setup Tutorial - Native (Easy)
  • If you're familiar with the legacy OpenBullet and are a Windows user, you might be preferring the Native version instead of the web-client version. It's way easier to use & setup and as of June 2022, there is support for auto-importing legacy OpenBullet .loli configs into .opk files. (till an extent)
  • Make sure you have the latest version of .NET Core installed for Windows.
  • Head over to
  • Download
    • For 64-bit Windows users, you can run the .exe directly and operate it similarly to OpenBullet 1.
    • For 32-bit Windows users, run Command Prompt and use the following commands
      cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\OpenBullet2
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
      Keep in mind to replace the directory in the first command with your respective OpenBullet2 directory.
  • That concludes it, easiest setup mode within this tutorial.

VII.) Setup Tutorial - Console (Intermediate)
  • The command-line interface (CLI) version of OpenBullet allows you to run functionality without the graphical interface. This is the most optimal way to invoke functionality from the RuriLib core without having to run either of the GUI instances.
  • As usual, you will have two ways to proceed here. Compiling your own build (with any necessary code modifications of yours) or using the pre-compiled release. I shall include both of these here:
    • 64-bit Windows users should be able to run the OpenBullet2.Console.exe file from the archive without any issues
    • 32-bit Windows users will have to run the following command before executing the binary:
      cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\OpenBullet2
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
      Keep in mind to replace the directory in the first command with your respective OpenBullet2 directory.

    • To compile your own version, you can use the following commands with the OpenBullet 2 source code:
      cd OpenBullet2/OpenBullet2.Console
      dotnet publish --configuration Release
      cd bin/Release/net6.0/publish
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.Console.dll --help
  • Here are the official list of usage commands for the CLI version of OpenBullet:
    dotnet OpenBullet2.Console.dll --bots 20 --config Adobe.opk --proxies proxies.txt --pmode On --skip 100 --wordlist
    Adobe.txt --wltype Credentials

    -c, --config Required. Configuration file to be processed.

    -w, --wordlist Required. Wordlist file to be processed.

    --wltype Required. Type of the wordlist loaded (defined within Environment.ini, can be customized)

    -p, --proxies Proxy file to be processed.

    --ptype (Default: Http) Type of proxies loaded (Http, Socks4, Socks5).

    --pmode (Default: Default) The proxy mode (On, Off, Default).

    -s, --skip (Default: 1) Number of lines to skip in the Wordlist.

    -b, --bots (Default: 0) Number of concurrent bots working. If not specified, the config default will be used.

    -v, --verbose (Default: false) Prints fails and task errors.

    --help Display this help screen.

    --version Display version information.

VIII.) Conclusion

If you haven't noticed, OpenBullet 1 or OpenBullet Legacy has reached EOL. "End of life" (EOL) indicates that the hardware or software in question has reached the end of its product life cycle and it ceases to be supported or updated by the developer or software company that created it. Albeit the legacy version being functional these days, I expect that sometime within a few years, it will become obsolete and redundant. I advocate that everyone should familiarize themselves with the new version of OpenBullet and get acquainted to it for uninterrupted usage.

With the rise of shellcode download & execution and hit-logging within legacy OB configs, I recommend users should make themselves aware of the risks they expose themselves to while downloading supposedly "free configs". I shall be addressing this in future threads (how to remain secure from backdoored configs) while working on further information regarding dorks.

I recommend to always use a RDP, VPS or VM while dealing with OpenBullet. If you're looking on how to get a free RDP, you can check out my other Microsoft Azure tutorial.

Here is a small comparison chart of the numerous OpenBullet versions available out here. I hope it will make my point clear.

[Image: 880Xh3n.png]

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***


Mar 17, 2023
Introduction to OpenBullet 2
A tutorial to setting up the newer version of OpenBullet

[Image: EGJjTE8.png]

[Image: gXRamuy.gif]

I.) Introduction
Hello there, welcome to one of the tutorials from the Legends tutorials suite. We shall guide you through the setup of OpenBullet 2, the new version of the infamous tool OpenBullet. OpenBullet is a webtesting suite that allows to perform requests towards a target webapps and offers a lot of tools to work with the results. This software can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pentesting, unit testing through Selenium and much more.

[Image: g59jLsV.jpg]

OpenBullet is a webtesting suite that allows to perform requests towards a target webapp and offers a lot of tools to work with the results. This software can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pentesting, unit testing through selenium and much more. I recommend reading the following tutorials by Lions League member flavoral regarding the legacy version of OpenBullet before proceeding with OpenBullet v2:

[Guide] Lions League | How to Crack Accounts using OpenBullet! by flavoral
[Tutorial] Lions League | Learn How to Make Your Own Simple OpenBullet Config! by flavoral

OpenBullet 2 is a cross platform automation suite powered by .NET Core. With the advent of the new version of OpenBullet, you should now be able to access various interesting new perks such as Linux functionality and a CLI mode. All credits for the creation of OpenBullet go to Ruri, the creator of OpenBullet & the subsequent community of users, supporters, donators, beta-testers and contributors.

II.) Requirements
  • OpenBullet 2 files from the Github repository
  • PC access and preferably a VM/RDP/VPS
  • Stable internet connection
  • ASP.NET Core Runtime 5.0.3 or above
  • .NET Runtime Desktop 5.0.3 or above
  • Free or paid proxies
  • Free or paid configs
  • Public or private wordlists/combolists.

As you may come to understand from the repository, there are three available versions of OpenBullet 2. These will be the webclient, native UI and console/CLI version respectively. The webclient and the console version come with Linux compatibility while the native UI only supports Windows operating systems.

III.) Setup Tutorial - Webclient (Easy)
  • This tutorial is meant for people who want to setup OB2 with minimal hassle and in the easiest way possible. We'll be using the precompiled release available on Github to set up an OB2 instance.
  • Head over to:
  • Download the archive
  • Extract the archive using any compression tool such as 7z, Winzip or WinRAR.
  • Install the latest version of .NET Core:
  • You can also opt to install the new .NET Core 7.0:
  • When you're done with installation, you should also have the latest .NET Runtime Desktop version installed automatically. (included within the packages).
    • If you're on a x64 operating system, you can just run OpenBullet2.exe from the archive
    • If you're on a x86 operating system, you will have to invoke dotnet via CLI so run Command Prompt and use the following commands
      cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\OpenBullet2
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
      Keep in mind to replace the directory in the first command with your respective OpenBullet2 directory.
  • Proceed to http://localhost:5000/setup and your OB2 web-client instance is ready. The instructions for operating OB remain roughly the same with importing Wordlists, Proxylists and Configs and Hits DB management.

IV.) Setup Tutorial - Compile from Source (Intermediate)
  • Within this tutorial we shall be cloning the OpenBullet2 repository and hosting it locally. Git is a DevOps tool used for source code management. It is a free and open-source version control system used to handle small to very large projects efficiently. Git is used to tracking changes in the source code, enabling multiple developers to work together on non-linear development.
  • Install the latest version of .NET 6.0 SDK:
  • Open Git Bash and run the following commands:
    git clone
    cd OpenBullet2/OpenBullet2
    dotnet publish --configuration Release
    cd bin/Release/net6.0/publish
    dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
  • This should allow you to compile your own version of OpenBullet2. You can also perform necessary code modifications on your local repository and compile your own build accordingly.

V.) Setup Tutorial - Docker (Advanced)
  • This tutorial is meant for people who want to run OpenBullet2 as a dockerized application. The Docker platform runs natively on Linux (on x86-64, ARM and many other CPU architectures) and on Windows (x86-64). Docker Inc. builds products that let you build and run containers on Linux, Windows and macOS.
  • I will not be covering the basics on how to install Docker within any OS in this tutorial, it will purely handle setting up OB2 as a dockerized instance. If do you require a tutorial for it, let me know below and I'll make a separate tutorial later on how to install Docker and run OB2 as a multi container application.
  • Create a folder within your OB2 directory to store your user configuration settings
  • Run the following command:
    docker run --name openbullet2 --rm -p 8069:5000 -v C:/Users/admin/Downloads/OpenBullet2/UserData/:/app/UserData/ -it openbullet/openbullet2:latest
  • These shall map port 8069 to port 5000 (default OB2 port), remap your OB2 settings within the container and start an interactive interface for OB2.

VI.) Setup Tutorial - Native (Easy)
  • If you're familiar with the legacy OpenBullet and are a Windows user, you might be preferring the Native version instead of the web-client version. It's way easier to use & setup and as of June 2022, there is support for auto-importing legacy OpenBullet .loli configs into .opk files. (till an extent)
  • Make sure you have the latest version of .NET Core installed for Windows.
  • Head over to
  • Download
    • For 64-bit Windows users, you can run the .exe directly and operate it similarly to OpenBullet 1.
    • For 32-bit Windows users, run Command Prompt and use the following commands
      cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\OpenBullet2
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
      Keep in mind to replace the directory in the first command with your respective OpenBullet2 directory.
  • That concludes it, easiest setup mode within this tutorial.

VII.) Setup Tutorial - Console (Intermediate)
  • The command-line interface (CLI) version of OpenBullet allows you to run functionality without the graphical interface. This is the most optimal way to invoke functionality from the RuriLib core without having to run either of the GUI instances.
  • As usual, you will have two ways to proceed here. Compiling your own build (with any necessary code modifications of yours) or using the pre-compiled release. I shall include both of these here:
    • 64-bit Windows users should be able to run the OpenBullet2.Console.exe file from the archive without any issues
    • 32-bit Windows users will have to run the following command before executing the binary:
      cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\OpenBullet2
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
      Keep in mind to replace the directory in the first command with your respective OpenBullet2 directory.

    • To compile your own version, you can use the following commands with the OpenBullet 2 source code:
      cd OpenBullet2/OpenBullet2.Console
      dotnet publish --configuration Release
      cd bin/Release/net6.0/publish
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.Console.dll --help
  • Here are the official list of usage commands for the CLI version of OpenBullet:
    dotnet OpenBullet2.Console.dll --bots 20 --config Adobe.opk --proxies proxies.txt --pmode On --skip 100 --wordlist
    Adobe.txt --wltype Credentials

    -c, --config Required. Configuration file to be processed.

    -w, --wordlist Required. Wordlist file to be processed.

    --wltype Required. Type of the wordlist loaded (defined within Environment.ini, can be customized)

    -p, --proxies Proxy file to be processed.

    --ptype (Default: Http) Type of proxies loaded (Http, Socks4, Socks5).

    --pmode (Default: Default) The proxy mode (On, Off, Default).

    -s, --skip (Default: 1) Number of lines to skip in the Wordlist.

    -b, --bots (Default: 0) Number of concurrent bots working. If not specified, the config default will be used.

    -v, --verbose (Default: false) Prints fails and task errors.

    --help Display this help screen.

    --version Display version information.

VIII.) Conclusion

If you haven't noticed, OpenBullet 1 or OpenBullet Legacy has reached EOL. "End of life" (EOL) indicates that the hardware or software in question has reached the end of its product life cycle and it ceases to be supported or updated by the developer or software company that created it. Albeit the legacy version being functional these days, I expect that sometime within a few years, it will become obsolete and redundant. I advocate that everyone should familiarize themselves with the new version of OpenBullet and get acquainted to it for uninterrupted usage.

With the rise of shellcode download & execution and hit-logging within legacy OB configs, I recommend users should make themselves aware of the risks they expose themselves to while downloading supposedly "free configs". I shall be addressing this in future threads (how to remain secure from backdoored configs) while working on further information regarding dorks.

I recommend to always use a RDP, VPS or VM while dealing with OpenBullet. If you're looking on how to get a free RDP, you can check out my other Microsoft Azure tutorial.

Here is a small comparison chart of the numerous OpenBullet versions available out here. I hope it will make my point clear.

[Image: 880Xh3n.png]

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***


Mar 17, 2023
Introduction to OpenBullet 2
A tutorial to setting up the newer version of OpenBullet

[Image: EGJjTE8.png]

[Image: gXRamuy.gif]

I.) Introduction
Hello there, welcome to one of the tutorials from the Legends tutorials suite. We shall guide you through the setup of OpenBullet 2, the new version of the infamous tool OpenBullet. OpenBullet is a webtesting suite that allows to perform requests towards a target webapps and offers a lot of tools to work with the results. This software can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pentesting, unit testing through Selenium and much more.

[Image: g59jLsV.jpg]

OpenBullet is a webtesting suite that allows to perform requests towards a target webapp and offers a lot of tools to work with the results. This software can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pentesting, unit testing through selenium and much more. I recommend reading the following tutorials by Lions League member flavoral regarding the legacy version of OpenBullet before proceeding with OpenBullet v2:

[Guide] Lions League | How to Crack Accounts using OpenBullet! by flavoral
[Tutorial] Lions League | Learn How to Make Your Own Simple OpenBullet Config! by flavoral

OpenBullet 2 is a cross platform automation suite powered by .NET Core. With the advent of the new version of OpenBullet, you should now be able to access various interesting new perks such as Linux functionality and a CLI mode. All credits for the creation of OpenBullet go to Ruri, the creator of OpenBullet & the subsequent community of users, supporters, donators, beta-testers and contributors.

II.) Requirements
  • OpenBullet 2 files from the Github repository
  • PC access and preferably a VM/RDP/VPS
  • Stable internet connection
  • ASP.NET Core Runtime 5.0.3 or above
  • .NET Runtime Desktop 5.0.3 or above
  • Free or paid proxies
  • Free or paid configs
  • Public or private wordlists/combolists.

As you may come to understand from the repository, there are three available versions of OpenBullet 2. These will be the webclient, native UI and console/CLI version respectively. The webclient and the console version come with Linux compatibility while the native UI only supports Windows operating systems.

III.) Setup Tutorial - Webclient (Easy)
  • This tutorial is meant for people who want to setup OB2 with minimal hassle and in the easiest way possible. We'll be using the precompiled release available on Github to set up an OB2 instance.
  • Head over to:
  • Download the archive
  • Extract the archive using any compression tool such as 7z, Winzip or WinRAR.
  • Install the latest version of .NET Core:
  • You can also opt to install the new .NET Core 7.0:
  • When you're done with installation, you should also have the latest .NET Runtime Desktop version installed automatically. (included within the packages).
    • If you're on a x64 operating system, you can just run OpenBullet2.exe from the archive
    • If you're on a x86 operating system, you will have to invoke dotnet via CLI so run Command Prompt and use the following commands
      cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\OpenBullet2
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
      Keep in mind to replace the directory in the first command with your respective OpenBullet2 directory.
  • Proceed to http://localhost:5000/setup and your OB2 web-client instance is ready. The instructions for operating OB remain roughly the same with importing Wordlists, Proxylists and Configs and Hits DB management.

IV.) Setup Tutorial - Compile from Source (Intermediate)
  • Within this tutorial we shall be cloning the OpenBullet2 repository and hosting it locally. Git is a DevOps tool used for source code management. It is a free and open-source version control system used to handle small to very large projects efficiently. Git is used to tracking changes in the source code, enabling multiple developers to work together on non-linear development.
  • Install the latest version of .NET 6.0 SDK:
  • Open Git Bash and run the following commands:
    git clone
    cd OpenBullet2/OpenBullet2
    dotnet publish --configuration Release
    cd bin/Release/net6.0/publish
    dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
  • This should allow you to compile your own version of OpenBullet2. You can also perform necessary code modifications on your local repository and compile your own build accordingly.

V.) Setup Tutorial - Docker (Advanced)
  • This tutorial is meant for people who want to run OpenBullet2 as a dockerized application. The Docker platform runs natively on Linux (on x86-64, ARM and many other CPU architectures) and on Windows (x86-64). Docker Inc. builds products that let you build and run containers on Linux, Windows and macOS.
  • I will not be covering the basics on how to install Docker within any OS in this tutorial, it will purely handle setting up OB2 as a dockerized instance. If do you require a tutorial for it, let me know below and I'll make a separate tutorial later on how to install Docker and run OB2 as a multi container application.
  • Create a folder within your OB2 directory to store your user configuration settings
  • Run the following command:
    docker run --name openbullet2 --rm -p 8069:5000 -v C:/Users/admin/Downloads/OpenBullet2/UserData/:/app/UserData/ -it openbullet/openbullet2:latest
  • These shall map port 8069 to port 5000 (default OB2 port), remap your OB2 settings within the container and start an interactive interface for OB2.

VI.) Setup Tutorial - Native (Easy)
  • If you're familiar with the legacy OpenBullet and are a Windows user, you might be preferring the Native version instead of the web-client version. It's way easier to use & setup and as of June 2022, there is support for auto-importing legacy OpenBullet .loli configs into .opk files. (till an extent)
  • Make sure you have the latest version of .NET Core installed for Windows.
  • Head over to
  • Download
    • For 64-bit Windows users, you can run the .exe directly and operate it similarly to OpenBullet 1.
    • For 32-bit Windows users, run Command Prompt and use the following commands
      cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\OpenBullet2
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
      Keep in mind to replace the directory in the first command with your respective OpenBullet2 directory.
  • That concludes it, easiest setup mode within this tutorial.

VII.) Setup Tutorial - Console (Intermediate)
  • The command-line interface (CLI) version of OpenBullet allows you to run functionality without the graphical interface. This is the most optimal way to invoke functionality from the RuriLib core without having to run either of the GUI instances.
  • As usual, you will have two ways to proceed here. Compiling your own build (with any necessary code modifications of yours) or using the pre-compiled release. I shall include both of these here:
    • 64-bit Windows users should be able to run the OpenBullet2.Console.exe file from the archive without any issues
    • 32-bit Windows users will have to run the following command before executing the binary:
      cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\OpenBullet2
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
      Keep in mind to replace the directory in the first command with your respective OpenBullet2 directory.

    • To compile your own version, you can use the following commands with the OpenBullet 2 source code:
      cd OpenBullet2/OpenBullet2.Console
      dotnet publish --configuration Release
      cd bin/Release/net6.0/publish
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.Console.dll --help
  • Here are the official list of usage commands for the CLI version of OpenBullet:
    dotnet OpenBullet2.Console.dll --bots 20 --config Adobe.opk --proxies proxies.txt --pmode On --skip 100 --wordlist
    Adobe.txt --wltype Credentials

    -c, --config Required. Configuration file to be processed.

    -w, --wordlist Required. Wordlist file to be processed.

    --wltype Required. Type of the wordlist loaded (defined within Environment.ini, can be customized)

    -p, --proxies Proxy file to be processed.

    --ptype (Default: Http) Type of proxies loaded (Http, Socks4, Socks5).

    --pmode (Default: Default) The proxy mode (On, Off, Default).

    -s, --skip (Default: 1) Number of lines to skip in the Wordlist.

    -b, --bots (Default: 0) Number of concurrent bots working. If not specified, the config default will be used.

    -v, --verbose (Default: false) Prints fails and task errors.

    --help Display this help screen.

    --version Display version information.

VIII.) Conclusion

If you haven't noticed, OpenBullet 1 or OpenBullet Legacy has reached EOL. "End of life" (EOL) indicates that the hardware or software in question has reached the end of its product life cycle and it ceases to be supported or updated by the developer or software company that created it. Albeit the legacy version being functional these days, I expect that sometime within a few years, it will become obsolete and redundant. I advocate that everyone should familiarize themselves with the new version of OpenBullet and get acquainted to it for uninterrupted usage.

With the rise of shellcode download & execution and hit-logging within legacy OB configs, I recommend users should make themselves aware of the risks they expose themselves to while downloading supposedly "free configs". I shall be addressing this in future threads (how to remain secure from backdoored configs) while working on further information regarding dorks.

I recommend to always use a RDP, VPS or VM while dealing with OpenBullet. If you're looking on how to get a free RDP, you can check out my other Microsoft Azure tutorial.

Here is a small comparison chart of the numerous OpenBullet versions available out here. I hope it will make my point clear.

[Image: 880Xh3n.png]

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Nov 13, 2022
Introduction to OpenBullet 2
A tutorial to setting up the newer version of OpenBullet

[Image: EGJjTE8.png]

[Image: gXRamuy.gif]

I.) Introduction
Hello there, welcome to one of the tutorials from the Legends tutorials suite. We shall guide you through the setup of OpenBullet 2, the new version of the infamous tool OpenBullet. OpenBullet is a webtesting suite that allows to perform requests towards a target webapps and offers a lot of tools to work with the results. This software can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pentesting, unit testing through Selenium and much more.

[Image: g59jLsV.jpg]

OpenBullet is a webtesting suite that allows to perform requests towards a target webapp and offers a lot of tools to work with the results. This software can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pentesting, unit testing through selenium and much more. I recommend reading the following tutorials by Lions League member flavoral regarding the legacy version of OpenBullet before proceeding with OpenBullet v2:

[Guide] Lions League | How to Crack Accounts using OpenBullet! by flavoral
[Tutorial] Lions League | Learn How to Make Your Own Simple OpenBullet Config! by flavoral

OpenBullet 2 is a cross platform automation suite powered by .NET Core. With the advent of the new version of OpenBullet, you should now be able to access various interesting new perks such as Linux functionality and a CLI mode. All credits for the creation of OpenBullet go to Ruri, the creator of OpenBullet & the subsequent community of users, supporters, donators, beta-testers and contributors.

II.) Requirements
  • OpenBullet 2 files from the Github repository
  • PC access and preferably a VM/RDP/VPS
  • Stable internet connection
  • ASP.NET Core Runtime 5.0.3 or above
  • .NET Runtime Desktop 5.0.3 or above
  • Free or paid proxies
  • Free or paid configs
  • Public or private wordlists/combolists.

As you may come to understand from the repository, there are three available versions of OpenBullet 2. These will be the webclient, native UI and console/CLI version respectively. The webclient and the console version come with Linux compatibility while the native UI only supports Windows operating systems.

III.) Setup Tutorial - Webclient (Easy)
  • This tutorial is meant for people who want to setup OB2 with minimal hassle and in the easiest way possible. We'll be using the precompiled release available on Github to set up an OB2 instance.
  • Head over to:
  • Download the archive
  • Extract the archive using any compression tool such as 7z, Winzip or WinRAR.
  • Install the latest version of .NET Core:
  • You can also opt to install the new .NET Core 7.0:
  • When you're done with installation, you should also have the latest .NET Runtime Desktop version installed automatically. (included within the packages).
    • If you're on a x64 operating system, you can just run OpenBullet2.exe from the archive
    • If you're on a x86 operating system, you will have to invoke dotnet via CLI so run Command Prompt and use the following commands
      cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\OpenBullet2
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
      Keep in mind to replace the directory in the first command with your respective OpenBullet2 directory.
  • Proceed to http://localhost:5000/setup and your OB2 web-client instance is ready. The instructions for operating OB remain roughly the same with importing Wordlists, Proxylists and Configs and Hits DB management.

IV.) Setup Tutorial - Compile from Source (Intermediate)
  • Within this tutorial we shall be cloning the OpenBullet2 repository and hosting it locally. Git is a DevOps tool used for source code management. It is a free and open-source version control system used to handle small to very large projects efficiently. Git is used to tracking changes in the source code, enabling multiple developers to work together on non-linear development.
  • Install the latest version of .NET 6.0 SDK:
  • Open Git Bash and run the following commands:
    git clone
    cd OpenBullet2/OpenBullet2
    dotnet publish --configuration Release
    cd bin/Release/net6.0/publish
    dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
  • This should allow you to compile your own version of OpenBullet2. You can also perform necessary code modifications on your local repository and compile your own build accordingly.

V.) Setup Tutorial - Docker (Advanced)
  • This tutorial is meant for people who want to run OpenBullet2 as a dockerized application. The Docker platform runs natively on Linux (on x86-64, ARM and many other CPU architectures) and on Windows (x86-64). Docker Inc. builds products that let you build and run containers on Linux, Windows and macOS.
  • I will not be covering the basics on how to install Docker within any OS in this tutorial, it will purely handle setting up OB2 as a dockerized instance. If do you require a tutorial for it, let me know below and I'll make a separate tutorial later on how to install Docker and run OB2 as a multi container application.
  • Create a folder within your OB2 directory to store your user configuration settings
  • Run the following command:
    docker run --name openbullet2 --rm -p 8069:5000 -v C:/Users/admin/Downloads/OpenBullet2/UserData/:/app/UserData/ -it openbullet/openbullet2:latest
  • These shall map port 8069 to port 5000 (default OB2 port), remap your OB2 settings within the container and start an interactive interface for OB2.

VI.) Setup Tutorial - Native (Easy)
  • If you're familiar with the legacy OpenBullet and are a Windows user, you might be preferring the Native version instead of the web-client version. It's way easier to use & setup and as of June 2022, there is support for auto-importing legacy OpenBullet .loli configs into .opk files. (till an extent)
  • Make sure you have the latest version of .NET Core installed for Windows.
  • Head over to
  • Download
    • For 64-bit Windows users, you can run the .exe directly and operate it similarly to OpenBullet 1.
    • For 32-bit Windows users, run Command Prompt and use the following commands
      cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\OpenBullet2
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
      Keep in mind to replace the directory in the first command with your respective OpenBullet2 directory.
  • That concludes it, easiest setup mode within this tutorial.

VII.) Setup Tutorial - Console (Intermediate)
  • The command-line interface (CLI) version of OpenBullet allows you to run functionality without the graphical interface. This is the most optimal way to invoke functionality from the RuriLib core without having to run either of the GUI instances.
  • As usual, you will have two ways to proceed here. Compiling your own build (with any necessary code modifications of yours) or using the pre-compiled release. I shall include both of these here:
    • 64-bit Windows users should be able to run the OpenBullet2.Console.exe file from the archive without any issues
    • 32-bit Windows users will have to run the following command before executing the binary:
      cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\OpenBullet2
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.dll
      Keep in mind to replace the directory in the first command with your respective OpenBullet2 directory.

    • To compile your own version, you can use the following commands with the OpenBullet 2 source code:
      cd OpenBullet2/OpenBullet2.Console
      dotnet publish --configuration Release
      cd bin/Release/net6.0/publish
      dotnet ./OpenBullet2.Console.dll --help
  • Here are the official list of usage commands for the CLI version of OpenBullet:
    dotnet OpenBullet2.Console.dll --bots 20 --config Adobe.opk --proxies proxies.txt --pmode On --skip 100 --wordlist
    Adobe.txt --wltype Credentials

    -c, --config Required. Configuration file to be processed.

    -w, --wordlist Required. Wordlist file to be processed.

    --wltype Required. Type of the wordlist loaded (defined within Environment.ini, can be customized)

    -p, --proxies Proxy file to be processed.

    --ptype (Default: Http) Type of proxies loaded (Http, Socks4, Socks5).

    --pmode (Default: Default) The proxy mode (On, Off, Default).

    -s, --skip (Default: 1) Number of lines to skip in the Wordlist.

    -b, --bots (Default: 0) Number of concurrent bots working. If not specified, the config default will be used.

    -v, --verbose (Default: false) Prints fails and task errors.

    --help Display this help screen.

    --version Display version information.

VIII.) Conclusion

If you haven't noticed, OpenBullet 1 or OpenBullet Legacy has reached EOL. "End of life" (EOL) indicates that the hardware or software in question has reached the end of its product life cycle and it ceases to be supported or updated by the developer or software company that created it. Albeit the legacy version being functional these days, I expect that sometime within a few years, it will become obsolete and redundant. I advocate that everyone should familiarize themselves with the new version of OpenBullet and get acquainted to it for uninterrupted usage.

With the rise of shellcode download & execution and hit-logging within legacy OB configs, I recommend users should make themselves aware of the risks they expose themselves to while downloading supposedly "free configs". I shall be addressing this in future threads (how to remain secure from backdoored configs) while working on further information regarding dorks.

I recommend to always use a RDP, VPS or VM while dealing with OpenBullet. If you're looking on how to get a free RDP, you can check out my other Microsoft Azure tutorial.

Here is a small comparison chart of the numerous OpenBullet versions available out here. I hope it will make my point clear.

[Image: 880Xh3n.png]

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