When loading a Credit Card account, you need to buy a bank log. The bank log can be used to make payment of debits on your credit card account
Every cc has their own interface so don't expect all credit cards to look the same, just take note of the KEYWORDS
When you login cc, this what you sometimes first see
Current balance refers to the limit of amount which can be loaded, the current balance of this cc is $9,286, so you can load any amount between $0 and $9,286 NOTE: You can't load more than the limit which is $9,286
Loading cc is the same as paying cc bill so don't get confused
Select where you want to pay from, if you click on select account, a drop-down menu will come
If you want to add a new external account or bank log, click on Link a Bank Account and you will be asked to put in the account and routing number of bank log you bought from.
Select amount you want to pay
Review the payment, if there is any changes you can make it at this stage
Click on Submit to make payment and your payment will be processed right after that....very easy
Don't get ripped by someone claiming he can clear your credit card debits for you, it's very easy to do
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Buy log from https://Ncg20.cc then withdraw to your account, PayPal, cashapp, BTC, mobile wallets etc
Other sources
Buy bank log and try this method and make money easy Don't be lazy.
When loading a Credit Card account, you need to buy a bank log. The bank log can be used to make payment of debits on your credit card account
Every cc has their own interface so don't expect all credit cards to look the same, just take note of the KEYWORDS
When you login cc, this what you sometimes first see
Current balance refers to the limit of amount which can be loaded, the current balance of this cc is $9,286, so you can load any amount between $0 and $9,286 NOTE: You can't load more than the limit which is $9,286
Loading cc is the same as paying cc bill so don't get confused
Select where you want to pay from, if you click on select account, a drop-down menu will come
If you want to add a new external account or bank log, click on Link a Bank Account and you will be asked to put in the account and routing number of bank log you bought from.
Select amount you want to pay
Review the payment, if there is any changes you can make it at this stage
Click on Submit to make payment and your payment will be processed right after that....very easy
Don't get ripped by someone claiming he can clear your credit card debits for you, it's very easy to do
No comments yet
Buy log from https://Ncg20.cc then withdraw to your account, PayPal, cashapp, BTC, mobile wallets etc
Other sources
darkweb-pro-log.shop - darkweb pro log Resources and Information.
darkweb-pro-log.shop is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, darkweb-pro-log.shop has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!
Buy bank log and try this method and make money easy Don't be lazy.