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Jun 16, 2023
1. Buy/Create a female account on Facebook

I won't explain this further as there are many threads on this forum on how to create and grow the Facebook account or on how to buy it.

2. Setup a fanpage in the adult niche.

Call your fanpage in a minimal erotic way, it can be something like "girls under the sun", "the art of beauty" or something like that, I think you get my point.

3. Make a simple post on your fanpage.

Just post a pic of a girl, what I do usually is find a pic on google and revert it horizontally. Post it on your page and include 1-2 lines of something informative or a nice quote. In the last sentence leave a CTA every 2 posts saying "Message me now!"

4. Setup an autoresponder bot.

Now this is how we will convert the leads. Setup a bot on manychat.com and make sure to have atleast 3 questions for every guy that will message you. Those questions can be something like:
"Thank you for messaging me <3 What is your age?" - Answers: A - 18-26 B - 26-35 C - 35+.
A/B/C -> That's nice! I hope you're having a great day today  Do you prefer bad or good girls? Answers: A - Good girls B - Bad girls
A -> So you're looking for an angel (angel emote) I love it <3 Are you looking for a meetup or just some videochat? Answer: A - Meetup B - Videochat
B -> So you're looking for a little devil (devil emote) I love it <3 Are you looking for a meetup or just some videochat? Answer: A - Meetup B - Videochat
A/B -> Let's have fun now <3 Find me here: *CPA link*

I hope you understand how this will work. When I post my domain in the page bio then the page/domain gets banned quickly. When you only use the bot, your page gets to live much longer.

5. Join Facebook groups.

Now for the traffic part, here's what I do. I join Facebook groups in the Adult niche (dating etc) (usually 5-10 is enough per account) and I share my fanpage post to each of them each day. In this way you bring people to your fanpage where they see the posts and in the end they DM you.

6. Repeat step 1 to 5.

When you see the first $$ coming in and I can tell you that you'll see it a few hours after you do all the steps, then you can repeat the whole process the next day with a new account. Now imagine that one account can bring you 5$/day (10$ was the average for me but that required too much spamming, so sticking to less spamming and 5$ is safer), now all you need to do is scale. Really simple method to make an additional income. I didn't cover how to get a CPA offer because there's a TON of threads on that on the forum. Good luck and I hope I helped someone.

7. (OPTIONAL) Create your own facebook group and grow it.

Altough I've never tried this before, it might be worth a shot.

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