Making money with wallpaper apps on play store

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 Making money with wallpaper apps on play store


Jun 5, 2024

what do you need to start ?

1. a code source for an online or an oflline wallpaper app ( i code it my self but you can buy it frm websites its cheap )
2. admob account to get the code for ads ( Free )
2. google developer console account ( 25$ )

what next ?

now yo well just change the imges + change the app id + change the ads code + change the packege name + publish the app on the dev account

i mange to publish more than a 100 wallpaper app with same code source with no problem ( no rejection , no termination , no anything ) respect the rules ! search for them befor starting .

note !

some apps that i publish did some what well some didnt .

as you can see some mange to breach 1000 downlods some didnt got any the secret is to work on as many niches as yo can ( yo may finds some non compitive niches )

not the part every body likes $$
i Work seriously in November and this is decmber



i hope the earnings grow more with the apps geting more downlods and users

thats it , the creation of gathring imgs from free copyright imgs stocks ( serch for imgs with no copy right ) and creating the icon and screen shout and a creating a description for the app is time consoming and hard and shi*ty ( sorry ) but for a poor soul in the third world this money is the life saving .

i hope this thread help some one in a very bad Position and with no money to start any ( Real business )

What Next For You Joe ?

i stop publish wallpaper apps and started learning unity 3d , im preapirng to start a new adventer in the mobile games field using the small capital that i gather from wallpapers , the money will be used to buy dev accounts and proxies , dont put all eggs in one basket as they say , buy the way would you guys be intersted if i did a journey thread ( i think that potantiol for life changing money is massiv with games + this field is crazy secritive hhh people barley share any thing anyway i hope you have good night.

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