Welcome to”Matt Smith – Snapvertising”
10 Reasons Why You Should Start Running Ads
on Snapchat Right Now!
10 Reasons Why You Should Start Running Ads
on Snapchat Right Now!
- Limited Competition… For Now! “So why would you tell me about this, Matt?” Because there’s pleeeeeeenty of room for growth (but it won’t last long).
- Cheaper ad prices. Lowest CPMs since the early wild days of the big ad platforms.
- Knowledgeable and supportive reps that want to see you succeed.
- Super simple platform that’s easy to navigate. You don’t need to be a data scientist to successfully run ads on Snapchat.
- You don’t need a creative team to put together ads. If you have 50 bucks, photoshop, and a fun brain, then you’ll do very very well on Snapchat.
- Snapchat is the perfect “low barrier entry model” that makes it easier to run than Facebook.
- Powerful ROAS potential. Your ad dollars go WAY further than with the big guys. Imagine spending 50 bucks and getting $800 back…
- You don’t need a 3rd party tracker.
- Never experience the frustration of ad platforms that don’t care about you.
- You get to learn step-by-step from me! Snapvertising is the only working course that shows you how to launch ad campaigns on Snapchat without confusion and without a big budget.
- You can access it here: Matt Smith - Snapvertising – Google Drive