Mattel Inc. (MAT) has announced a collaboration with the manga and anime media brand TOKYOPOP to produce original manga-style graphic novels aimed at children aged 8-12. This partnership will bring to life new stories based on Mattel's popular Hot Wheels and Barbie brands.
The upcoming launch will feature a western-style manga graphic novel series inspired by Hot Wheels, alongside fresh narratives involving characters from the Barbie universe. Set to be published in 2026, these series will highlight innovative artwork and original storytelling, effectively introducing these iconic brands to new audiences through imaginative and distinctive formats.
The material has been provided by InstaForex Company -
The upcoming launch will feature a western-style manga graphic novel series inspired by Hot Wheels, alongside fresh narratives involving characters from the Barbie universe. Set to be published in 2026, these series will highlight innovative artwork and original storytelling, effectively introducing these iconic brands to new audiences through imaginative and distinctive formats.
The material has been provided by InstaForex Company -