First of all you will need a mail access checker with inbox searcher function
I recommend Woxy or Mail Ranger 2 or even Xrisky Mail Access Checker
I will tell method of Mail Ranger 2 in this
First of all get a Mail Access combo from a combo cloud or buy one
Or if you need for free just go to and get a free combolist there
Or just make one
Once have done that Start checking the combo
Once you get a few thousand hit's then do this
Start the inbox search mode and put these 4 keyword's
Then inbox search the hit's then you got your mfa if you get a hit
Log into the hit and start resetting the pass with the email.
Method by
I recommend Woxy or Mail Ranger 2 or even Xrisky Mail Access Checker
I will tell method of Mail Ranger 2 in this
First of all get a Mail Access combo from a combo cloud or buy one
Or if you need for free just go to and get a free combolist there
Or just make one
Once have done that Start checking the combo
Once you get a few thousand hit's then do this
Start the inbox search mode and put these 4 keyword's
Then inbox search the hit's then you got your mfa if you get a hit
Log into the hit and start resetting the pass with the email.
Method by