Online Movie Ticket Booking System in Python with Source Code .
About Online Movie Ticket Booking System Python Project
In particular, this Movie Ticket Booking System project in
Python focuses mainly on keeping track of movie booking details. To be more precise, the system helps to keep track of theatre movies with respect to their depth information. Also, the system displays all pricing lists according to day and type. In addition, the system allows viewing booking details and more. Evidently, this project contains a manager panel with a cashier panel. In an overview of this web application, the manager has full control over the system. He/she can manage movies, schedule movies, alter ticket prices, and list booking details.
Movie Management and Show Schedule
Moreover, a manager only has access to manage/set up movies. In general, the system allows inserting movies with their various details. Speaking of movie details refers to its title, language, format, total length, and hall id. Also, the user needs to schedule each movie in order to make it available for the public users. Here, the user has to select a date and time in order to schedule a movie with respect to format and hall id. In fact, each movie should have its own unique show timing and day in order to schedule a show. Both of these features play the main role in maintaining the proper flow of the system.