07 April 2024 | 18 KB
Paramcounter, a Max for Live MIDI effect, generates a random value within a user-defined range after a set number of incoming MIDI notes. This facilitates seamless control automation in line with your MIDI patterns.
Its intuitive interface ensures clear and immediate feedback, offering a simple yet powerful means to enhance modulation complexity. Utilize multiple instances or integrate with tools like LFOs and arpeggiators for heightened creative potential!
Unleash intricate modulations effortlessly, introducing generative techniques into your music production.
Version 1.1 Update - Enhanced UI and Multiple Mappings!
Update Highlights:
- Streamlined user interface
- Added ability to map output to up to 8 parameters, each with adjustable minimum and maximum values
- Output value now ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, rather than integers from 0 to 127