Do you dream about achieving true financial freedom? Do you want more time
to spend with your family and friends, or to do the things you love?
Money does make certain aspects of life easy. It makes it possible to do things
we couldn’t do without it. We could all use more money than we have. For many
of us, it can seem like the only way to get it is to put in longer hours at work than
we already do. We feel limited in terms of what we can earn. Taking a second
(or third) job is exhausting to think about, yet many people do exactly that in an
effort to break free of debt and earn a good income.
There’s an old adage that says that nobody ever wishes, on their deathbed, that
they had spent more time working. Whatever you earn during your lifetime –
and however much time you spend earning it – you can’t take it with you when
your life is over.
Working longer hours, and taking time away from the people and things you
love, is not the answer. The real answer is to find ways to make money that are
reliable and steady, and that don’t require you to spend your life working so