Good afternoon, this database was extracted in January of this year. The Reniec entity is a shame in its security and easy to violate. I will detail the fields that are in the base. Document, Ap_Paterno, Ap_Materno, Nombres, Nacimiento, Edad, Ubigeo_Ubicacion, Direccion,Sexo, Estado, Sueldo, Credito, Madre, Padre, Provincia, Distrito, Caducidad, CUI, Emision_Estatura, Inscripcion, Instruccion, Restriccion SAMPLE: "06256217" "BOLUARTE" "ZEGARRA" "DINA ERCILIA" "1962-05-31" "61" "030201" "LIMA-LIMA-SURQUILLO" "CALLE LOS HALCONES 326" "2" "DIVORCIADO" "4328" "100" "ERCILIA" "NICANOR" "LIMA" "LIMA" "SURQUILLO" "962591216-966543446-936693689-16612812-957205835-989182075-914791013-923089663-961337612-947005066-948920980" "BOLUARTE ZEGARRA DINA ERCILIA"