Practical HTML, CSS, JS: 10 Real-World Projects for Practice
Build 10 projects to learn HTML CSS JavaScript, vanilla JavaScript projects Practical HTML, CSS, JS - HINDI Language
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What you will learn:
How to build a dynamic applications using JavaScript.How to manipulate and traverse the Document Object Model (DOM) using JavaScript.
The implementation of functions and their role in modularizing code in JavaScript.
How to work with arrays and objects to store and manipulate data in JavaScript.
How to use the API to build the Internet Status Checker Application
Build a logic to develop and Palindrome Checker Application.
Develop a Project to Generate RGB Color.
Learn Logic for the Counter Application.
Gain the knowledge of the Modula Approach of JavaScript to build ASCII and Unicode Character Detector Application
Use Advanced Technique of CSS to Build Analog Clock Application.
Learn to build complete Random Color Generator Application with functional appraoch.
The steps to create a real world BMI Calculator Project with JavaScript.
The process of building a real Loan Calculator application using JavaScript.
Calculate the Love with you crush by building the Love Calculator Application