In early trading on Tuesday, Indian equities experienced volatility, despite receiving favorable signals from global markets. The S&P/BSE Sensex saw a decrease of 92 points, equating to a 0.1 percent drop to reach 78,447, thereby relinquishing initial gains. Similarly, the broad NSE Nifty index decreased by 32 points or 0.1 percent, landing at 23,721.
Several major companies, including Bharti Airtel, SBI Life, Shriram Finance, Tata Steel, and JSW Steel, experienced declines of approximately 1 percent. In contrast, TCS and Tata Motors both posted gains of about 1 percent.
Adani Enterprises maintained a steady position following its agreement to acquire an 85.8 percent stake in Air Works India (Engineering). Meanwhile, Kalyani Investment Company dropped by 1.3 percent after resolving a dispute with the capital market regulator, SEBI.
Waaree Energies saw a slight increase after its board approved three investment initiatives totaling Rs 850 crore. Conversely, Symphony experienced a decline upon expanding its loan facility for its Australian subsidiary.
Aurionpro Solutions saw an uptick of 2.7 percent with the announcement of its expansion into the European market through the acquisition of Fenixys. However, Vedanta faced a 2.6 percent fall as it went ex-dividend.
The material has been provided by InstaForex Company -
Several major companies, including Bharti Airtel, SBI Life, Shriram Finance, Tata Steel, and JSW Steel, experienced declines of approximately 1 percent. In contrast, TCS and Tata Motors both posted gains of about 1 percent.
Adani Enterprises maintained a steady position following its agreement to acquire an 85.8 percent stake in Air Works India (Engineering). Meanwhile, Kalyani Investment Company dropped by 1.3 percent after resolving a dispute with the capital market regulator, SEBI.
Waaree Energies saw a slight increase after its board approved three investment initiatives totaling Rs 850 crore. Conversely, Symphony experienced a decline upon expanding its loan facility for its Australian subsidiary.
Aurionpro Solutions saw an uptick of 2.7 percent with the announcement of its expansion into the European market through the acquisition of Fenixys. However, Vedanta faced a 2.6 percent fall as it went ex-dividend.
The material has been provided by InstaForex Company -