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Aug 31, 2023
This is the first part and I wanted to make sure everyone understands the basics, the second and potentially third part is already in the works and wont take long at all

Well, what is spamming? Lets start with our usual Wikipedia definition:

Spamming is the use of messaging systems to send multiple unsolicited messages (spam) to large numbers of recipients for the purpose of commercial advertising or for any purpose especially the fraudulent purpose of phishing ), or simply repeatedly sending the same message to the same user.

In my own terms, spamming basically means reaching out to thousands or even millions of victims via email, text or on social media while trying to spread stuff to them like phishing links, malwares and basic scam advertisements.

Why do We spam?

To obtain Bank Logs/accounts by spamming different phone numbers or emails linked to specific banks.

To collect cc information or fullz (complete info on a person including their full identity aka IDs, Social Security Numbers, Driver’s License, Passwords, Security Questions)

To spread Malware( My personal favorite and the one that has made me the most money, it basically involves spreading crypto related malwares like a Bitcoin Clipper which is a small software that operates stealthily on your pc and once infected, it replaces any crypto wallet copied on the victim’s pc with yours without them knowing so random people will send you btc on a daily basis)

or a Silent Bitcoin miner ( Similar to using botnets or zombie computers to launch DDOS attacks, what this miner does is use an allocated part of the victim’s computer to mine altcoins or bitcoins, I know the profit isn’t much per pc but when deployed in thousands, you could be looking at a 500-1k profit every two days, could be way more depending on your targets)

NB: I wont touch bank log spamming cos it’s entirely useless if you ain’t also extracting cookies or email access to the bank logs and that’s literally why most of spammed bank logs won’t get you directly in it when you try to login because you’ll need to account for 2fa triggers and you won’t be able to get in unless you get 2fa codes directly from the victim with social engineering or simswapping which is an entirely different topic on its own.

Well enough of that, your imagination with the kind of messages or texts to deploy is endless so you’re free to brainstorm on your own. What we’re here for is to figure out how you can send thousands of emails and text easily to valid phone numbers but before that, let’s learn the meaning of these basic spamming terms:

Leads: A Lead is the term used to refer to email or phone numbers. It’s a list of email addresses and phone numbers we’re going to spam.

AMS or Advanced Mass Sender or Mailer: A software that’s used to (you guessed it) send emails or text messages to victims in bulk or bits. It comes some features like adding and setting up our SMTP, load our email or phone number list i.e leads.

Scam letter: Basically the phishing message we send to our victims, here we tweak the original mail and edit, asking victim to login to our scam page and we will get their logs or send out fake/ scam write ups like crypto giveaways, lottery winnings, malware phishing, crypto wallet hacks, IRS emails, possibilities are endless.

SMTP (Simple mail Transfer Protocol): SMTP is a software or tool which runs on a server which is used to transmit and receive emails, in simple terms, SMTP handles the retrieval of messages and primarily sends messages to a server for forwarding. We add smtp to our mailer to be able to send daily bulk texts or emails.

Alright, with all these known, let’s get straight to installation of necessary tools we’ll need to use.
I’ll provide you with each of these softwares

Leads Generator and Validator
Carrier Validator by Xforgex
Gammadyne Mailer ( our AMS or Mailer).


*Download and install python setup from their official website and make sure these options are ticked during the installation process:
under “Optional Features”

td/tk and IDLE
Python test suite
py launcher

under “Advanced Options”

Associate files with python(requires the py launcher)
Create shortcuts for installed applications
Add Python to environment variables
Download debugging symbols
Download debug binaries(requires VS 2017 or later).

Then Click install.

* Now that you have Python installed, look for your windows command prompt in search or open the python command prompt, you can do a quick google search for those wondering what it is.

* The next step is to type in the following commands one after the other press enter after each command. Make sure your pc is connected to a good wifi or hotspot network:

pip install colorama
pip install licensing
pip install termcolor
pip install phone numbers
pip install phone gen
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install pathlib
pip install results

* After you’re done with the commands, open and extract the “leads generator” zip file and then click on the python launch file names “PY” and you should get something like “Installing module 1 and 2”
* Then you should get greeted with a python script that generates real and USA phone numbers or leads, the script can validate these phone numbers to tell you if some are invalid.
* For the next step, you should be greeted with two options

Dark leads Bot and HLT Validation, Press 1 and then “Enter” Key on your computer and then select with bank you want your lead or phone number to come from, these are numbers registered to real banks. Select your number of leads to generate and then press enter, you should have your generated lead in the same folder as the python script.

* Next step is to extract the carrier validator zip file and then run the exe. What this software does is, it validates the phone numbers or leads you’ve generated and then tells you the carrier name, this will help you with spamming of phone numbers easily cos when you get the carrier name, you can then make use of the carrier email to text service by sending an email or spam message to the phone number and then your victim receives it as a text message.

That’s it for this one, I want to take it slow so people can get to understand the steps pretty quickly. For the next part which will be posted in a day or two, I’ll be covering creating an undetectable and NET obfuscated bitcoin clipper and also on how to spam the clipper to get it to thousands of victims using the spamming and youtube method.

If you have any questions, you can keep me informed.

Also, what dark web file sharing site can I use so I can send the software?

link to the tools you'll need at least for this part: /!\ Not mine, flag as malware, run in VM please

I recommend creating a python script instead
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