Exploits Explained
» Link: Synack (https://www.synack.com/blog/exploits-explained-5-unusual-authentication-bypass-techniques/) |
Synack (https://www.synack.com/blog/exploits-explained-5-unusual-authentication-bypass-techniques/)
Exploits Explained: 5 Unusual Authentication Bypass Techniques
Authentication bypass vulnerabilities are common flaws that exist in modern web applications—but they’re not always easy to find.
Shodan Dorks
» Link: Medium (https://shahjerry33.medium.com/shodan-dorks-the-gods-eye-f224f9b3984f)
Cybersecurity Ecosystem
» Kutt.it/ECO (https://kutt.it/ECO) | Awesome Security
(https://github.com/fabacab/awesome-cybersecurity-blueteam)Think Before You Scan
» Kutt.it/QRC (https://kutt.it/QRC) | Personal Cybersecurity
(https://t.me/MegaPack/2681)Top OSINT & Infosec Resources
» Kutt.it/TOP (https://kutt.it/TOP) | Router Hacking
(https://secnigma.wordpress.com/2022...into-router-hacking-and-firmware-emulation/)~ @WHITEHAT | #OSINT #Security
Sites to Get Free Trial of VPS or RDP
runwhenidle is a Linux utility that can automatically suspend the execution of a resource—intensive command when the user is in front of the computer, and resume it when he is absent.
Vulnerabilities online. Useful resources and databases for finding vulnerabilities.
• MITRE CVE (https://www.cve.org /) — database, search engine and vulnerability classifier.
• opencve.io (https://www.opencve.io/cve ) — a CVE search engine with the functionality of alerts about new threats.
• Vulnerability Database (https://vulners.com /) is a resource for finding information about current threats.
• sploitus (https://t.me/Social_engineering/1220 ) — a search engine for exploits and necessary tools tools.
• CVE Trends (https://t.me/Social_engineering/1957 ) is a resource that tracks the popularity of CVE in real time.
• GitHub Advisory Database (https://github.com/advisories ) — Vulnerability database, including CVE and security recommendations.
• Exploit DB (https://t.me/Social_engineering/1220 ) — A CVE-compatible archive of publicly available exploits and vulnerable software.
• Cloudvulndb (https://www.cloudvulndb.org /) is a project that accumulates vulnerabilities and security problems of cloud service providers.
• CVEDetails (https://www.cvedetails.com /), osv.dev (https://osv.dev/list ), VulDB (https://vuldb.com /), maltiverse (https://maltiverse.com/search ) — data sources about vulnerabilities and indicators of compromise.
• security.snyk.io (https://security.snyk.io /) and Mend Vulnerability Database (https://www.mend.io/vulnerability-database /), Vulncode-DB (https://www.vulncode-db.com /) is an open source vulnerability database.
• Rapid7 - DB (https://www.rapid7.com/db /) — a database that contains details of more than 180 thousand vulnerabilities and 4 thousand exploits. All exploits are included in Metasploit.
Open Source cyber security tools for professionals
1. Zeek: https://zeek.org/
Network Security Monitoring
2. ClamAV: https://www.clamav.net/
3. OpenVAS: https://www.openvas.org/
Vulnerability Scanner
4. TheHive: https://lnkd.in/e7aVCRUZ
Incident Response
5. PFSense: https://www.pfsense.org/
Security appliance (firewall/VPN/router)
6. Elastic: https://www.elastic.co/de/
7. Osquery: https://www.osquery.io/
Endpoint visibility
8. Arkime: https://arkime.com/
Packet capture and search
9. Wazuh: https://wazuh.com/
10. Alien Vault Ossim: https://lnkd.in/eShQt29h
11. Velociraptor: https://lnkd.in/eYehEaNa
Forensic and IR
12. MISP project: https://lnkd.in/emaSrT57
Information sharing and Threat Intelligence
13. Kali: https://www.kali.org/
Security OS
14. Parrot: https://www.parrotsec.org/
Security OS
15. OpenIAM: https://www.openiam.com/
16. Yara: https://lnkd.in/eEJegEak
17. Wireguard: https://www.wireguard.com/
18. OSSEC: https://www.ossec.net/
19. Suricata: https://suricata.io/
20. Shuffler: https://shuffler.io/
21. Phish Report: https://phish.report/
Anti Phishing
22. Graylog: https://lnkd.in/eAFuUmuw
23. Trivy: https://lnkd.in/e7JxXStY
DevOps/IaC Scanning
24. OpenEDR: https://openedr.com/
25. Metasploit: https://lnkd.in/e4ECX-py
26. NMAP: https://nmap.org/
Curriculum for Information Security Specialists
A hands-on curriculum to become a successful cybersecurity engineer based on roles such as Pentest, AppSec, Cloud Security, DevSecOps, etc. Includes free and paid resources, tools and concepts.
⏺ Link to GitHub (https://github.com/jassics/security-study-plan)
» Link: Synack (https://www.synack.com/blog/exploits-explained-5-unusual-authentication-bypass-techniques/) |
Synack (https://www.synack.com/blog/exploits-explained-5-unusual-authentication-bypass-techniques/)
Exploits Explained: 5 Unusual Authentication Bypass Techniques
Authentication bypass vulnerabilities are common flaws that exist in modern web applications—but they’re not always easy to find.
Shodan Dorks
» Link: Medium (https://shahjerry33.medium.com/shodan-dorks-the-gods-eye-f224f9b3984f)
Cybersecurity Ecosystem
» Kutt.it/ECO (https://kutt.it/ECO) | Awesome Security
(https://github.com/fabacab/awesome-cybersecurity-blueteam)Think Before You Scan
» Kutt.it/QRC (https://kutt.it/QRC) | Personal Cybersecurity
(https://t.me/MegaPack/2681)Top OSINT & Infosec Resources
» Kutt.it/TOP (https://kutt.it/TOP) | Router Hacking
(https://secnigma.wordpress.com/2022...into-router-hacking-and-firmware-emulation/)~ @WHITEHAT | #OSINT #Security
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runwhenidle is a Linux utility that can automatically suspend the execution of a resource—intensive command when the user is in front of the computer, and resume it when he is absent.
GitHub - perk11/runwhenidle
Contribute to perk11/runwhenidle development by creating an account on GitHub.
Vulnerabilities online. Useful resources and databases for finding vulnerabilities.
• MITRE CVE (https://www.cve.org /) — database, search engine and vulnerability classifier.
• opencve.io (https://www.opencve.io/cve ) — a CVE search engine with the functionality of alerts about new threats.
• Vulnerability Database (https://vulners.com /) is a resource for finding information about current threats.
• sploitus (https://t.me/Social_engineering/1220 ) — a search engine for exploits and necessary tools tools.
• CVE Trends (https://t.me/Social_engineering/1957 ) is a resource that tracks the popularity of CVE in real time.
• GitHub Advisory Database (https://github.com/advisories ) — Vulnerability database, including CVE and security recommendations.
• Exploit DB (https://t.me/Social_engineering/1220 ) — A CVE-compatible archive of publicly available exploits and vulnerable software.
• Cloudvulndb (https://www.cloudvulndb.org /) is a project that accumulates vulnerabilities and security problems of cloud service providers.
• CVEDetails (https://www.cvedetails.com /), osv.dev (https://osv.dev/list ), VulDB (https://vuldb.com /), maltiverse (https://maltiverse.com/search ) — data sources about vulnerabilities and indicators of compromise.
• security.snyk.io (https://security.snyk.io /) and Mend Vulnerability Database (https://www.mend.io/vulnerability-database /), Vulncode-DB (https://www.vulncode-db.com /) is an open source vulnerability database.
• Rapid7 - DB (https://www.rapid7.com/db /) — a database that contains details of more than 180 thousand vulnerabilities and 4 thousand exploits. All exploits are included in Metasploit.
Open Source cyber security tools for professionals
1. Zeek: https://zeek.org/
Network Security Monitoring
2. ClamAV: https://www.clamav.net/
3. OpenVAS: https://www.openvas.org/
Vulnerability Scanner
4. TheHive: https://lnkd.in/e7aVCRUZ
Incident Response
5. PFSense: https://www.pfsense.org/
Security appliance (firewall/VPN/router)
6. Elastic: https://www.elastic.co/de/
7. Osquery: https://www.osquery.io/
Endpoint visibility
8. Arkime: https://arkime.com/
Packet capture and search
9. Wazuh: https://wazuh.com/
10. Alien Vault Ossim: https://lnkd.in/eShQt29h
11. Velociraptor: https://lnkd.in/eYehEaNa
Forensic and IR
12. MISP project: https://lnkd.in/emaSrT57
Information sharing and Threat Intelligence
13. Kali: https://www.kali.org/
Security OS
14. Parrot: https://www.parrotsec.org/
Security OS
15. OpenIAM: https://www.openiam.com/
16. Yara: https://lnkd.in/eEJegEak
17. Wireguard: https://www.wireguard.com/
18. OSSEC: https://www.ossec.net/
19. Suricata: https://suricata.io/
20. Shuffler: https://shuffler.io/
21. Phish Report: https://phish.report/
Anti Phishing
22. Graylog: https://lnkd.in/eAFuUmuw
23. Trivy: https://lnkd.in/e7JxXStY
DevOps/IaC Scanning
24. OpenEDR: https://openedr.com/
25. Metasploit: https://lnkd.in/e4ECX-py
26. NMAP: https://nmap.org/
Curriculum for Information Security Specialists
A hands-on curriculum to become a successful cybersecurity engineer based on roles such as Pentest, AppSec, Cloud Security, DevSecOps, etc. Includes free and paid resources, tools and concepts.
⏺ Link to GitHub (https://github.com/jassics/security-study-plan)