25.38 GB | 30min 56s | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
001 Introduction.mp4 (21.76 MB)
002 What Do You Want To Achieve.mp4 (27.39 MB)
003 Downloading and Installing Visual Studio.mp4 (22.06 MB)
005 Creating our First Project and Hello World.mp4 (13.61 MB)
006 Hello World on a Mac.mp4 (4.81 MB)
008 History of Csharp.mp4 (22.97 MB)
009 Understanding Frameworks and Compiling.mp4 (85.51 MB)
010 Single line comments.mp4 (21.91 MB)
011 Top Level Statements - Documentation.mp4 (110.93 MB)
012 Using System Directives.mp4 (20.46 MB)
013 Using variables - String.mp4 (52.47 MB)
014 Understanding User Input and the Data Type String.mp4 (77.1 MB)
015 Take control over our console.mp4 (14.29 MB)
016 Quick VS UI overview, Folder Structure and understanding Compiler errors vs RunT.mp4 (82.4 MB)
019 High Level Overview of Variables and Datatypes.mp4 (10.84 MB)
020 Coding Standards.mp4 (9.17 MB)
021 Naming Conventions.mp4 (45.58 MB)
022 Overview of Datatypes.mp4 (71.32 MB)
023 Data Types and ChatGPT.mp4 (73.58 MB)
024 Value vs Reference Type.mp4 (6.78 MB)
025 Variable Definition, Initialization and Assigning.mp4 (39.28 MB)
027 Intro Mini Project Addition Calculator.mp4 (11.03 MB)
028 Understanding Int Number Datatype and why we cant fit a string into it.mp4 (77.66 MB)
029 Using the Parse Method to Convert from String to Int.mp4 (66.14 MB)
031 Finalizing our Addition Calculator.mp4 (94.4 MB)
032 String Concatenation vs String Interpolation.mp4 (73.9 MB)
033 Using Decimal Numbers instead with Double.mp4 (60.69 MB)
034 Dots and commas with doubles.mp4 (62.43 MB)
035 Fixing some more bugs.mp4 (86.67 MB)
036 Implicit Conversion.mp4 (39.86 MB)
037 Explicit Conversion.mp4 (50.14 MB)
038 Conversion Helpers Parse and Convert.mp4 (54.87 MB)
039 Implicitly Typed Variables vs Explicitly Typed Variables.mp4 (28.94 MB)
040 Operators, order of Evaluation and some math basics.mp4 (148.08 MB)
041 Debugging, Breakpoints, Runtime Error and Compile time Error.mp4 (142.21 MB)
044 Char Datatype and UTF16 Smiley.mp4 (99.06 MB)
045 More String Manipulation with String Formatting.mp4 (66.24 MB)
048 How to use special characters in strings with the escape character.mp4 (20.88 MB)
054 Logical Operators.mp4 (45.78 MB)
056 Datatype Bool.mp4 (22.37 MB)
057 If Statements.mp4 (37.75 MB)
058 OR and NOT operators.mp4 (73.16 MB)
059 AND operator.mp4 (23.42 MB)
060 Relational operators.mp4 (46.77 MB)
061 The Else Keyword.mp4 (16.11 MB)
063 Else If Keyword and Order of Importance.mp4 (131.09 MB)
065 Equality Operator and not equal.mp4 (48.5 MB)
066 Nested If Statements.mp4 (61.23 MB)
067 Understanding the Scope of a variable.mp4 (71.3 MB)
068 Challenge Clubbing or no Clubbing.mp4 (89.1 MB)
069 One Line If Statements.mp4 (23.56 MB)
070 The Switch Statement - Keywords Switch.mp4 (40.63 MB)
071 Switch or If - which to choose.mp4 (60.11 MB)
074 Our Little Quiz App.mp4 (75.79 MB)
075 Using String Methods Trim and ToLower.mp4 (71.88 MB)
076 Incrementing and Pre-Incrementing.mp4 (36.59 MB)
077 Decrementing and Modulo Operator.mp4 (41.96 MB)
078 How to use try parse.mp4 (52.16 MB)
080 How to generate a random number.mp4 (56.32 MB)
082 Loops Overview.mp4 (10.78 MB)
083 For Loop.mp4 (37.43 MB)
084 For Loop - Count down challenge.mp4 (17.01 MB)
085 Escape Characters r and n as well as Thread Sleep.mp4 (51.79 MB)
087 Landing a Rocket with a for loop.mp4 (44.89 MB)
088 While loop and using it as a counter.mp4 (37.23 MB)
089 While loops where it really shines.mp4 (51.09 MB)
090 Guess the Number Challenge Solution.mp4 (58.72 MB)
092 Building a Text Adventure Game.mp4 (155.16 MB)
093 Do While Loops.mp4 (37.5 MB)
094 Solution Average Calculator.mp4 (42.87 MB)
095 Break and Continue.mp4 (59.44 MB)
096 Simple Array.mp4 (54.77 MB)
097 Declaring and setting values for arrays in the same line.mp4 (35.95 MB)
098 Foreach and length of an array.mp4 (81.82 MB)
100 TwoDimensional Arrays.mp4 (90.34 MB)
101 ThreeDimensional Arrays.mp4 (40.88 MB)
105 Intro To Functions Methods.mp4 (23.75 MB)
106 Void Method without Parameters.mp4 (76.14 MB)
107 Void Method with a Parameter Part 1.mp4 (84.82 MB)
108 Void Method with a Parameter Part 2.mp4 (114.17 MB)
110 Scope of variables and parameters.mp4 (53.52 MB)
111 Moving to the classical Template - Top Level Statements.mp4 (160.74 MB)
112 Moving our Methods outside of the Main Method.mp4 (79.59 MB)
113 Fields, instance variables and how they differ from local variables.mp4 (134.79 MB)
115 WeatherSimulator - Using Arrays, Random, and For Loops.mp4 (143.85 MB)
116 WeatherSimulator - Calculating the Average Temperature.mp4 (105.31 MB)
117 Mixing Doubles and Ints when Calculating.mp4 (17.26 MB)
118 WeatherSimulator - Getting the Min and Max Values of an array.mp4 (83.36 MB)
119 WeatherSimulator - Getting the Most common weather condition.mp4 (187.95 MB)
122 Objects Intro.mp4 (49.47 MB)
123 Introduction To Classes And Objects.mp4 (9.62 MB)
124 Creating our First own Class.mp4 (65.91 MB)
125 Member Variable and Custom Constructor.mp4 (71.3 MB)
126 Properties - Autogenerated - to protect our member variable.mp4 (41.38 MB)
127 Defining how a property is set.mp4 (196.62 MB)
128 Modifying the Get of our Property Part 1.mp4 (116.18 MB)
129 Modifying the Get of our Property part 2.mp4 (84.66 MB)
130 Having Multiple Constructors.mp4 (69.59 MB)
131 Default Constructor and Use Cases.mp4 (152.19 MB)
133 Methods in Classes.mp4 (69.09 MB)
134 Methods in Classes in more detail.mp4 (67.71 MB)
135 Optional Parameters.mp4 (72.49 MB)
136 Named Parameters.mp4 (80.64 MB)
137 Computed Properties and No Constructor.mp4 (56.75 MB)
138 Static Methods.mp4 (68.72 MB)
140 Static Fields.mp4 (57 MB)
142 Public and Private Keywords.mp4 (74.12 MB)
143 ID Key and readonly.mp4 (71.18 MB)
144 Read Only Properties.mp4 (25.68 MB)
146 Write Only Properties.mp4 (84.98 MB)
147 Const and ReadOnly.mp4 (51.12 MB)
149 Quiz Project Introduction.mp4 (32.25 MB)
150 QuizApp - Question Class.mp4 (36.95 MB)
151 Keyword This.mp4 (32.03 MB)
152 Displaying Questions.mp4 (50.79 MB)
153 Displaying Answers, Console Write and Console ForegroundColor.mp4 (60.62 MB)
154 Getting the UserInput and checking if it is right.mp4 (155.85 MB)
155 Displaying Multiple Questions and if we are right or wrong.mp4 (122.15 MB)
156 Displaying the Results.mp4 (74.06 MB)
159 Presentation Lists Overview.mp4 (29.27 MB)
160 Declare a List, add and read List item.mp4 (46.82 MB)
161 Removing Items from a List.mp4 (136.14 MB)
162 Initializing a list with items.mp4 (40.65 MB)
164 Sort() ing a list.mp4 (25.05 MB)
166 FindAll.mp4 (135.45 MB)
167 Predicates and Lambdas.mp4 (158.56 MB)
168 Predicates with Find All and Delegates.mp4 (34.84 MB)
169 Any Method.mp4 (29.87 MB)
171 Using Lists with complex Objects.mp4 (48.76 MB)
172 List Where() and getting a first touch point with LINQ.mp4 (147.3 MB)
174 Legacy ArrayLists.mp4 (100.9 MB)
175 Legacy Hashtables.mp4 (80.68 MB)
176 Nullables in Csharp.mp4 (28.86 MB)
177 Dictionaries Part 1 - Declaring, Initializing and Adding Items.mp4 (44.4 MB)
178 Dictionaries Part 2 - Updating, Removing entries and Iterating through Dictionar.mp4 (116.98 MB)
179 Gracefully Adding and Updating Dictionaries.mp4 (49.9 MB)
180 Using a Complex Object as the Value of a Dictionary.mp4 (67.11 MB)
183 Another way to declare and initalize dicts plus string as key.mp4 (54.74 MB)
186 Try And Catch.mp4 (59.91 MB)
188 The Finally Keyword.mp4 (79.89 MB)
190 Try Catch, huh Why not just use If Statements.mp4 (23.48 MB)
191 Debug Log.mp4 (99.72 MB)
192 Throw Keyword.mp4 (90.22 MB)
193 Managing multiple Types of Exceptions.mp4 (61.69 MB)
195 Why the Default Exceptions rocks.mp4 (60.73 MB)
196 How Exceptions Work with the Call Stack.mp4 (183.91 MB)
200 Inheritance Base Class vs Derived Class.mp4 (69.77 MB)
201 The 3 slash 4 Types of Inheritance.mp4 (54.96 MB)
202 Access Modifiers and the Protected Keyword.mp4 (82.78 MB)
203 Method Overriding with override and virtual.mp4 (110.4 MB)
205 The Base Keyword and Why Inheritance even matters.mp4 (48.53 MB)
207 Constructor Inheritance 1 - Base Keyword with Constructors and How Properties ar.mp4 (66.12 MB)
208 Constructor Inheritance.mp4 (56.13 MB)
210 When and Why Constructor Inheritance is Useful.mp4 (16.44 MB)
212 Constructor Inheritance with Multiple Derived Classes.mp4 (165.74 MB)
213 Every Class inherits from the Object class.mp4 (49.85 MB)
214 XML Comments Documentation.mp4 (100.62 MB)
215 Sealed keyword.mp4 (40.51 MB)
218 What and Why Interfaces - Including Syntax.mp4 (87.41 MB)
219 Implementing and using Interfaces - Exercise.mp4 (30.82 MB)
221 Solution Exercise - Create a Cat Class that implements IAnimal.mp4 (12.78 MB)
223 What is Polymorphism and why use it.mp4 (29.22 MB)
224 The second part of Polymorphism.mp4 (43.14 MB)
226 Interface Reusability while using Polymorphism.mp4 (324.74 MB)
227 Understanding the difference of Polymorphism and Interfaces in our Payment Examp.mp4 (102.93 MB)
230 Storing a Log Text File on your PC with your own text.mp4 (33.33 MB)
231 Creating a Folder on Your PC and Logging text there.mp4 (83.11 MB)
232 Decoupling Code and Enhancing Testability.mp4 (247.42 MB)
233 Understanding Dependency in Dependency Injection.mp4 (75.61 MB)
234 Super Simple Constructor Dependency Injection.mp4 (31.16 MB)
235 Setter Dependency Injection.mp4 (40.89 MB)
236 Interface Dependency Injection and Comparison.mp4 (56.58 MB)
239 Multiple Inheritance in csharp.mp4 (34.37 MB)
241 Introduction to Structs.mp4 (45.05 MB)
242 Structs example get distance between two points.mp4 (33.11 MB)
243 Understanding Value Type vs Reference Type with Structs vs Classes.mp4 (47.87 MB)
245 Enums in C#.mp4 (20.97 MB)
246 DateTime.mp4 (106.04 MB)
247 MathClass.mp4 (52.38 MB)
249 Garbage Collection.mp4 (22.36 MB)
250 Introduction to Delegates.mp4 (64.77 MB)
251 Where to declare delegates.mp4 (4.97 MB)
252 Simple delegates example.mp4 (30.99 MB)
253 Super quick intro to Generics.mp4 (59.83 MB)
254 Combining Generics with Delegates to make a sorting algorithm.mp4 (172.48 MB)
255 Multicast Delegates.mp4 (32.38 MB)
257 GetInvocationList seeing which methods are in a multicast delegate.mp4 (66.55 MB)
258 Intro to Events - Publishers and Subscribers.mp4 (84.81 MB)
259 Real World example - Events - Temperature Monitor.mp4 (189.45 MB)
261 Using EventArgs and EventHandler.mp4 (405.61 MB)
263 What this chapter is about.mp4 (20.88 MB)
264 What is Regex.mp4 (12.82 MB)
266 Using dots and wildcards, Regex Matching, and Quantifiers.mp4 (80.27 MB)
267 Creating groups and ranges and using alternation constructs.mp4 (70.69 MB)
268 Finding Specific Patterns and some examples for our challenges.mp4 (91.7 MB)
269 CHALLENGE Telephone number Challenge.mp4 (15.83 MB)
270 CHALLENGE Mr and Mrs.mp4 (20.81 MB)
271 CHALLENGE Web URL Challenge.mp4 (8.15 MB)
272 Using Regular expressions in CSharp.mp4 (62.7 MB)
274 Installing the WPF workload.mp4 (6.82 MB)
275 Creating a WPF project.mp4 (5.35 MB)
276 WPF project structure and code behind files.mp4 (26.9 MB)
277 Creating our first GUI Element.mp4 (12.58 MB)
278 Creating a grid with columns and rows.mp4 (16.08 MB)
279 Fixed, auto and relative sizing.mp4 (12.39 MB)
280 Creating a perfect grid.mp4 (1.57 MB)
281 WPF Challenge - Recreate this GUI.mp4 (1.96 MB)
282 WPF Challenge Solution - Recreate this GUI.mp4 (14.39 MB)
283 Column span and row span.mp4 (9.48 MB)
284 Creating GUI elements with C Sharp mp4.mp4 (23.91 MB)
285 Element properties for styling and positioning.mp4 (11.77 MB)
286 Button click and event handlers.mp4 (36.11 MB)
287 Todo List application intro and project setup.mp4 (14.61 MB)
288 Creating the grid, button and text box.mp4 (24.25 MB)
289 Creating the scrollview and stackpanel.mp4 (24.49 MB)
290 Setting x name attributes for access.mp4 (20.19 MB)
291 Adding the todo creation logic.mp4 (58.51 MB)
292 Introduction ContentControl and UserControl.mp4 (5.85 MB)
293 Creating ContentControl and UserControl for login.mp4 (28.15 MB)
294 Designing the LoginView.mp4 (53.98 MB)
295 Displaying the LoginView UserControl.mp4 (18.75 MB)
296 Creating and displaying InvoiceView UserControl.mp4 (51.27 MB)
297 Data Binding introduction.mp4 (24.71 MB)
298 Setting up the data to bind.mp4 (41.9 MB)
299 One-Way data binding.mp4 (55.55 MB)
300 Two Way Databinding.mp4 (10.49 MB)
301 One Way To Source Databinding.mp4 (13.64 MB)
302 One Time Databinding.mp4 (6.61 MB)
303 ListBox introduction.mp4 (25.97 MB)
304 ListBox ItemSource.mp4 (27.64 MB)
305 ListBox ItemTemplate.mp4 (23.81 MB)
306 ListBox accessing selected data.mp4 (48.31 MB)
307 Next application (login functionality).mp4 (2.21 MB)
308 Creating the project and login user control.mp4 (33.05 MB)
309 Adding the password box.mp4 (24.43 MB)
310 Environment variables.mp4 (8.93 MB)
311 Using the environment variable for login.mp4 (38.04 MB)
312 Password change event.mp4 (37.7 MB)
313 How to move on.mp4 (3.7 MB)
314 WPF Currency Converter - Project overview and setup.mp4 (76.19 MB)
315 WPF Currency Converter - Rectangles and Gradients.mp4 (74.52 MB)
316 WPF Currency Converter - Setting Up Stack Panel and Labels.mp4 (168.95 MB)
317 WPF Currency Converter - Customizing Buttons and Implementing Click Events.mp4 (126.2 MB)
318 WPF Currency Converter - Creating Input Fields with Text Box and Combo Box.mp4 (140.03 MB)
319 WPF Currency Converter - Binding Values to Combo Boxes.mp4 (89.33 MB)
320 WPF Currency Converter - Input Validation and Completing the Logic.mp4 (99.68 MB)
322 Databases Intro.mp4 (24.94 MB)
323 Setup MS SQL Server and VS For DB work.mp4 (70.87 MB)
324 Intro And Setting Up Our DataSet And Table.mp4 (109.39 MB)
325 Relationship or Associative Tables.mp4 (84.93 MB)
326 Showing Data in a ListBox.mp4 (93.22 MB)
327 Showing Associated Data.mp4 (76.42 MB)
328 Displaying all Animals In The ListBox.mp4 (58.18 MB)
329 Deleting From A Table With A Click.mp4 (116.96 MB)
331 Delete Animals, Remove Animals and Add Animals Functionality.mp4 (216.04 MB)
332 Updating Entries in Our Tables.mp4 (198.76 MB)
333 Databases Outro.mp4 (15.39 MB)
334 WPF Currency Converter - Building a Currency Converter with Database Integration.mp4 (108.82 MB)
335 WPF Currency Converter - Designing the User Interface for Currency Conversion.mp4 (182.27 MB)
336 WPF Currency Converter - Understanding Data Grid Functionality and Properties.mp4 (145.1 MB)
337 WPF Currency Converter - Setting up a Database for Currency Conversion.mp4 (104.69 MB)
338 WPF Currency Converter - Implementing SQL Connections for Database.mp4 (175.11 MB)
339 WPF Currency Converter - Implementing Save Button Functionality.mp4 (165.12 MB)
340 WPF Currency Converter - Adding a New Currency Entry.mp4 (139.28 MB)
341 WPF Currency Converter - Inserting and Editing Data in the Database.mp4 (190.33 MB)
343 Linq Intro.mp4 (20.32 MB)
344 Linq gentle Introduction.mp4 (9.34 MB)
345 Linq Demo.mp4 (24.31 MB)
346 Linq with Lists - and our University Manager Part 1.mp4 (135.57 MB)
347 Sorting and Filtering with Linq.mp4 (141.99 MB)
348 Creating collections based on other collections.mp4 (47.5 MB)
349 Linq with XML.mp4 (156.13 MB)
350 Setting up the project for LinqToSQL.mp4 (85.12 MB)
351 Inserting Objects into our Database.mp4 (205.95 MB)
352 Using assiociative tables with Linq.mp4 (164.61 MB)
353 Joining tables next level.mp4 (95.93 MB)
354 Deleting and Updating.mp4 (184.78 MB)
355 Linq Outro.mp4 (12.99 MB)
357 WPF Currency Converter - Using Live Currency Values Using An API And JSON.mp4 (432.88 MB)
362 Clean Code Presentation.mp4 (10.3 MB)
363 Clarity and precision in naming.mp4 (11.55 MB)
364 Naming convention cases.mp4 (19.88 MB)
365 Special convention for naming private fields.mp4 (9.02 MB)
366 Naming classes and methods.mp4 (4.92 MB)
367 Naming boolean values.mp4 (6.21 MB)
368 Meaning through naming.mp4 (15.76 MB)
369 Writing good comments.mp4 (29.74 MB)
370 Code TODOs.mp4 (8.85 MB)
371 Code documentation through Summary.mp4 (43.57 MB)
372 Formatting code.mp4 (18.38 MB)
373 Organizing files and namespaces.mp4 (18.77 MB)
374 Method structuring.mp4 (20.74 MB)
375 Using braces.mp4 (7.99 MB)
376 DRY principle (Don't repeat yourself).mp4 (68.1 MB)
377 KISS Principle (Keep it simple, stupid).mp4 (32.76 MB)
378 Exception handling.mp4 (27.2 MB)
379 SOLID presentation.mp4 (9.98 MB)
380 Single Responsibility Principle (SRP).mp4 (50.32 MB)
381 Open-Closed Principle (OCP).mp4 (86.86 MB)
382 Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP).mp4 (87.34 MB)
383 Interface Segregation Principle (ISP).mp4 (26.46 MB)
384 Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP).mp4 (46.37 MB)
385 Congrats on completing the C# clean code section.mp4 (1.68 MB)
386 An Introduction to C# Generics.mp4 (91.72 MB)
387 Creating a generic class.mp4 (43.16 MB)
388 Using a generic class type in a method.mp4 (32.84 MB)
389 Multiple generic types in a class.mp4 (25.94 MB)
390 Generic methods without generic classes.mp4 (35.72 MB)
391 Constraints for generics classes.mp4 (14.83 MB)
392 Custom interface constraint.mp4 (34.47 MB)
393 Constraints for generic methods.mp4 (74.67 MB)
394 Generic interfaces.mp4 (23.5 MB)
395 Constraints for generic interfaces.mp4 (34.31 MB)
396 Combing generic classes and generic interfaces.mp4 (21.41 MB)
397 Generic reflections.mp4 (40.29 MB)
398 Action generic delegate.mp4 (49.29 MB)
399 Func generic delegate.mp4 (42.86 MB)
400 Predicate generic delegate.mp4 (28.84 MB)
402 Generics Challenge Solution Task Management System.mp4 (79.72 MB)
403 Congrats on completing the generics section.mp4 (1.59 MB)
404 Threads Intro.mp4 (19.87 MB)
405 Threads Basics.mp4 (66.62 MB)
406 Thread Start and End &Completion.mp4 (57.29 MB)
407 ThreadPools and Threads in The Background.mp4 (97.88 MB)
408 Join And IsAlive.mp4 (71.69 MB)
409 Tasks and WPF.mp4 (244.2 MB)
411 Threads Outro.mp4 (14.99 MB)
412 TDD Introduction.mp4 (2.79 MB)
413 What is TDD - Test Driven Development.mp4 (6.35 MB)
414 Create Project and Write First Test.mp4 (18.63 MB)
415 Refactoring and Adding Domain.mp4 (20.9 MB)
416 Adding Web API.mp4 (47.56 MB)
417 Test First Approach.mp4 (41.67 MB)
418 Assertion Message.mp4 (20.72 MB)
419 Fluent Assertions.mp4 (69 MB)
420 Test Conditions and Prerequisites.mp4 (6.92 MB)
421 Setting Up Flight Project.mp4 (3.38 MB)
422 Translating a Scenario to Test.mp4 (91.78 MB)
423 Red Green Refactor.mp4 (21.91 MB)
424 Given When Then Pattern And Avoid Overbooking Scenario Discovery.mp4 (12.86 MB)
425 Avoid Overbooking Scenario.mp4 (53.31 MB)
426 Test Trustwhortiness And Devils Advocate.mp4 (26.1 MB)
427 Practical Devils Advocate For Remaining Number of Seats.mp4 (31.4 MB)
428 Paremeterized Tests.mp4 (36.36 MB)
429 Discovering new scenarios by checking if the production code is complete.mp4 (101.1 MB)
430 Refactoring remember bookings.mp4 (9.65 MB)
431 Rules of TDD.mp4 (9.45 MB)
432 Scenario Cancel bookings using Test-Driven Development Rules.mp4 (62.51 MB)
433 Handle Cancel Booking & No Booking Found.mp4 (46.63 MB)
434 How You Discover New Scenarios.mp4 (8.5 MB)
435 Application Layer Testing.mp4 (8.09 MB)
436 Scenario Application Layer Booking Part One.mp4 (48.57 MB)
437 Scenario Application Layer Booking Part Two.mp4 (55.46 MB)
438 Scenario Application Layer Booking Part Three.mp4 (85.78 MB)
439 Configure In Memory Database.mp4 (72.73 MB)
440 Parameterize Book Flights Test.mp4 (15.94 MB)
441 Implementing Booking Service.mp4 (54.03 MB)
442 Refactoring Booking Service.mp4 (38.42 MB)
443 Create Test for Cancelling Bookings.mp4 (67.31 MB)
444 Finalize Cancel Booking.mp4 (32.48 MB)
445 Naming Conventions.mp4 (18.33 MB)
446 Test Suit as Documentation.mp4 (9.33 MB)
447 Application Layer.mp4 (1.52 MB)
448 Intro Unity Basics.mp4 (60.56 MB)
450 Overview of the Unity Interface.mp4 (47.86 MB)
451 Creating your own Layout.mp4 (30.65 MB)
452 Player Movement.mp4 (56.98 MB)
453 Making Sure We Make Changes Correctly.mp4 (13.35 MB)
454 Physis Basics.mp4 (18.17 MB)
455 RigidBody - A Physical Body.mp4 (48.68 MB)
456 Colliders And Their Different Types.mp4 (61.28 MB)
457 Triggers.mp4 (60.13 MB)
458 Prefabs And GameObjects.mp4 (25.21 MB)
459 Components And More On Prefabs.mp4 (23.71 MB)
460 Keeping The Hierarchy Tidy.mp4 (9.85 MB)
461 Class Structure.mp4 (31.05 MB)
462 Mathf And Random Class.mp4 (14.51 MB)
463 Unity Basics Outro.mp4 (41.71 MB)
464 Pong Introduction.mp4 (7.16 MB)
465 Basics - UI Elements.mp4 (37.64 MB)
466 Basics - Accessing Text Through Code.mp4 (24.94 MB)
467 Basics - Buttons.mp4 (39.62 MB)
468 Basics - Switching Scenes.mp4 (39.43 MB)
469 Basics - Play Sound.mp4 (41.4 MB)
470 Project Outline - Pong.mp4 (21.62 MB)
471 Creating The Main Menu.mp4 (129.87 MB)
472 Switching Scenes and Using Buttons.mp4 (34.99 MB)
473 Building Our Game Scene.mp4 (88.06 MB)
474 2D vs 3D Colliders and Rigidbody For Our Ball.mp4 (25.58 MB)
475 Moving Our Ball Left And Right.mp4 (49.5 MB)
476 Racket Movement.mp4 (59.73 MB)
477 Bouncing Off Correctly.mp4 (51.98 MB)
478 Scoring System.mp4 (51.81 MB)
479 Restarting A Round.mp4 (56.11 MB)
480 The Game Over Screen.mp4 (24.63 MB)
481 Adding Sound To The Game.mp4 (31.19 MB)
482 Adding a Basic AI.mp4 (19.37 MB)
483 Chapter Summary.mp4 (31.74 MB)
484 Chapter Intro.mp4 (17.44 MB)
485 Zig Zag Intro.mp4 (3.65 MB)
486 Basics- Instatiating (Creating Via Code) An Object.mp4 (19.44 MB)
487 Basics - Invoke And InvokeRepeating For Delayed Calls And Repeated Calls.mp4 (18.68 MB)
488 Basics - Playerpreferences - Saving Data.mp4 (27.53 MB)
489 Basics - Raycast.mp4 (39.08 MB)
490 Setup For Zig Zag.mp4 (40.2 MB)
491 Setting The Perspective.mp4 (84.25 MB)
492 Moving The Character.mp4 (39.98 MB)
493 Make Camera Follow Player.mp4 (21.77 MB)
494 Animate The Character.mp4 (92.59 MB)
495 Start The Game.mp4 (96.8 MB)
496 Restart The Game.mp4 (27.96 MB)
497 Collecting Crystals And Increasing The Score.mp4 (133.83 MB)
498 Adding A Highscore.mp4 (22.29 MB)
499 Adding The Particle Effect.mp4 (166.69 MB)
500 Background Music Loop.mp4 (41.99 MB)
501 Procedural Creation Of Our Map.mp4 (235.84 MB)
502 Chapter Intro.mp4 (41.41 MB)
503 Create Fruits And Explode Them.mp4 (133.17 MB)
504 Fruit Spawner.mp4 (99.42 MB)
505 Creating Our Blade.mp4 (56.23 MB)
506 GUI and Bombs.mp4 (95.54 MB)
507 Game Over and Restart.mp4 (59.82 MB)
508 Adding The Highscore.mp4 (48.15 MB)
509 Extend The Game.mp4 (35.05 MB)
510 Prepare Code For Android.mp4 (29.35 MB)
511 Test On An Android Device.mp4 (23.39 MB)
512 Make Some Adjustments.mp4 (16.99 MB)
513 Adding Unity Ads to Your Game.mp4 (34.96 MB)
514 Setting Up Your Device as Developer Device.mp4 (4.61 MB)
515 Adding Sound.mp4 (71.68 MB)
516 Thanks for finishing the course.mp4 (104.22 MB)]