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Udemy - The Complete Python Course 2024

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 Udemy - The Complete Python Course 2024


Nov 21, 2024

15.82 GB | 16min 14s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 Welcome, How to Take the Course and How to Download the Free Python Book.mp4 (162.11 MB)
2 [BIA] Introduction to Python (What, Why and How of Level 1).mp4 (26.87 MB)
3 [BIA] How to Use Python Online Using Google Colab for Free.mp4 (131.19 MB)
4 [BIA] Exercise 1 1 Our First Python Code "Hello World".mp4 (15.72 MB)
5 [BIA] Answer 1 1 Our first Python Code "Hello World".mp4 (25.76 MB)
6 [BIA] Optional Lecture Who Uses Python & What are the Pros & Cons of Python.mp4 (92.47 MB)
1 [IGA] Intro to NumPy (What, Why and How of Level 10).mp4 (21.23 MB)
10 [IGA] ExerciseProject 10 2 Vectorization.mp4 (19.08 MB)
11 [IGA] Answer 10 2 Vectorization.mp4 (53.27 MB)
12 [IGA] Universal Functions.mp4 (235.82 MB)
13 [IGA] Conditional Filtering.mp4 (159.36 MB)
14 [IGA] Reshaping Arrays.mp4 (287.67 MB)
15 [IGA] Handling Missing Values Using NumPy.mp4 (254.4 MB)
16 [IGA] File Handling.mp4 (111 MB)
2 [IGA] Libraries Explained and Installing NumPy.mp4 (348.46 MB)
3 [IGA] Arrays Data Type.mp4 (115.36 MB)
4 [IGA] NumPy Array Creation Methods.mp4 (171.9 MB)
5 [IGA] Operations with Arrays.mp4 (338.82 MB)
6 [IGA] Slicing NumPy Arrays.mp4 (297.8 MB)
7 [IGA] ExerciseProject 10 1 Slicing and Indexing with NumPy.mp4 (25.25 MB)
8 [IGA] Answer 10 1 Slicing and Indexing with NumPy.mp4 (129.67 MB)
9 [IGA] Loops Versus Vectorization.mp4 (187.05 MB)
1 [IGA] Intro to Pandas & Polars (What, Why and How of Level 11).mp4 (29.45 MB)
10 [IGA] Map and Transform.mp4 (112.54 MB)
11 [IGA] Merging and Joining.mp4 (138.36 MB)
12 [IGA] Exercise 11 2 Second PandasPolars Exercise.mp4 (23.22 MB)
13 [IGA] Answer 11 2 Second PandasPolars Exercise.mp4 (100.96 MB)
14 [IGA] Strings.mp4 (117.62 MB)
15 [IGA] Sales Data Visualization.mp4 (93.2 MB)
16 [IGA] Exercise 11 3 Third PandasPolars Exercise.mp4 (26.79 MB)
17 [IGA] Answer 11 3 Third PandasPolars Exercise.mp4 (74.67 MB)
2 [IGA] Installing Pandas and Polars.mp4 (68.66 MB)
3 [IGA] Loading Data Using Pandas and Polars.mp4 (296.62 MB)
4 [IGA] Reading Data in Different Ways.mp4 (302.04 MB)
5 [IGA] Exercise 11 1 First PandasPolars Exercise.mp4 (48.59 MB)
6 [IGA] Answer 11 1 First PandasPolars Exercise.mp4 (94.88 MB)
7 [IGA] Understanding Series.mp4 (215.51 MB)
8 [IGA] Dataframe Operations.mp4 (311.59 MB)
9 [IGA] Dealing with Missing Data.mp4 (184.41 MB)
1 [IGA] Intro to Data Processing and ETL (What, Why and How of Level 12).mp4 (15.99 MB)
2 [IGA] Data Cleaning Part 1.mp4 (150.91 MB)
3 [IGA] Data Cleaning Part 2.mp4 (141.53 MB)
4 [IGA] Label Encoder and Data Transformation Part 1.mp4 (165.66 MB)
5 [IGA] Label Encoder and Data Transformation Part 2.mp4 (89.23 MB)
6 [IGA] Label Encoder and Data Transformation Part 3.mp4 (117.82 MB)
7 [IGA] Handling Imbalanced Data.mp4 (131.77 MB)
8 [IGA] Data Partitioning.mp4 (89.23 MB)
1 [BIGA] Intro to Writing CleanEfficient Code (What, Why and How of Level 13).mp4 (20.8 MB)
2 [BIGA] Clean and Modular Code.mp4 (237.62 MB)
3 [BIGA] Python Naming Conventions.mp4 (61.43 MB)
4 [BIGA] Documentation.mp4 (130.92 MB)
5 [BIGA] Testing Your Code.mp4 (95.58 MB)
6 [IGA] Working with Teams on GitHub.mp4 (86.74 MB)
1 [IGA] Introduction to Using Python in Excel (What, Why and How of Level 14).mp4 (33.49 MB)
10 [IGA] Exercise 14 3 Using Python and Excel to Create a Regression Analysis.mp4 (7.13 MB)
11 [IGA] Answer 14 3 Using Python and Excel to Create a Regression Analysis.mp4 (39.89 MB)
2 [IGA] How to Install Python In Excel.mp4 (50.11 MB)
3 [IGA] How to Use Python In Excel.mp4 (232.3 MB)
4 [IGA] Exercise 14 1 Using Python in Excel.mp4 (25.19 MB)
5 [IGA] Answer 14 1 Using Python in Excel.mp4 (53.6 MB)
6 [IGA] Using Dataframes with Python in Excel.mp4 (192.86 MB)
7 [IGA] Exercise 14 2 Using Python Dataframes in Excel.mp4 (45.1 MB)
8 [IGA] Answer 14 2 Using Python Dataframes in Excel.mp4 (58.54 MB)
9 [IGA] How to Create a Linear Regression Using Python In Excel.mp4 (68.12 MB)
1 [GA] Intro to Mojo (What, Why and How of Level 15).mp4 (17.89 MB)
10 [GA] Struct Versus Class In Mojo.mp4 (104.01 MB)
11 [GA] Error Handling in Mojo.mp4 (96.64 MB)
12 [GA] Inout, Borrowed and Owned in Mojo.mp4 (110.22 MB)
13 [GA] Importing NumPy in Mojo.mp4 (86.02 MB)
2 [GA] What is Mojo and Why is it a Gamer Changer for Python Developers.mp4 (170.86 MB)
3 [GA] Complied Versus Interpreted Programming When it Comes to Mojo.mp4 (110.29 MB)
4 [GA] Coding with Mojo.mp4 (57.97 MB)
5 [GA] Variables in Mojo (Mutability and Immutability).mp4 (75.89 MB)
6 [GA] Data Types in Mojo.mp4 (181.26 MB)
7 [GA] Else If in Mojo.mp4 (72.27 MB)
8 [GA] Loops in Mojo.mp4 (133.11 MB)
9 [GA] Functions in Mojo.mp4 (84.56 MB)
1 [BIGA] Intro to All Built-In Python Functions (What, Why and How of Level 16).mp4 (13.02 MB)
10 [GA] Bytes Built-In Function bytes( ).mp4 (3.36 MB)
11 [IGA] Callable Built-In Function callable( ).mp4 (5.25 MB)
12 [IGA] Chr Built-In Function chr ( ).mp4 (4.13 MB)
13 [IGA] Classmethod Built-In Function classmethod( ).mp4 (9.69 MB)
14 [GA] Compile Built-In Function compile( ).mp4 (14.8 MB)
15 [GA] Complex Built-In Function complex( ).mp4 (5.49 MB)
16 [IGA] Dict Built-In Function dict( ).mp4 (5.87 MB)
17 [IGA] Dir Built-In Function dir( ).mp4 (8.68 MB)
18 [BIGA] Divmod Built-In Function divmod( ).mp4 (5.59 MB)
19 [GA] Enumerate Built-In Function enumerate( ).mp4 (6.58 MB)
2 [BA] Absolute Value Built-In Function abs( ).mp4 (4.38 MB)
20 [IGA] Eval Built-In Function eval( ).mp4 (5.62 MB)
21 [IGA] Exec Built-In Function exec( ).mp4 (8.05 MB)
22 [BIGA] Filter Built-In Function filter( ).mp4 (11.68 MB)
23 [BIGA] Float Built-In Function float( ).mp4 (3.3 MB)
24 [BIGA] Format Built-In Function format( ).mp4 (11.53 MB)
25 [IGA] Frozenset Built-In Function frozenset( ).mp4 (5.34 MB)
26 [IGA] Hash Built-In Function hash( ).mp4 (6.62 MB)
27 [BIGA] Help Built-In Function help( ).mp4 (2.44 MB)
28 [IGA] Hex Built-In Function hex( ).mp4 (2.66 MB)
29 [IGA] ID Built-In Function id( ).mp4 (5.54 MB)
3 [BIA] All Built-In Function all( ).mp4 (5.58 MB)
30 [BIGA] Input Built-In Function input( ).mp4 (4.49 MB)
31 [BIGA] Int Built-In Function int( ).mp4 (3.1 MB)
32 [GA] Isinstance Built-In Function isinstance( ).mp4 (8.56 MB)
33 [IGA] Issubclass Built-In Function issubclass( ).mp4 (5.35 MB)
34 [IGA] Iter Built-In Function iter( ).mp4 (4.22 MB)
35 [BIGA] Len Built-In Function len( ).mp4 (5.37 MB)
36 [BIGA] List Built-In Function list( ).mp4 (4.95 MB)
37 [GA] Map Built-In Function map( ).mp4 (7.01 MB)
38 [BIGA] Max Built-In Function Max( ).mp4 (2.54 MB)
39 [BIGA] Min Built-In Function Min( ).mp4 (2.3 MB)
4 [BIA] Any Built-In Function any( ).mp4 (5.91 MB)
40 [IGA] Next Built-In Function next( ).mp4 (10.31 MB)
41 [GA] Oct Built-In Function oct( ).mp4 (3.33 MB)
42 [IGA] Open Built-In Function open( ).mp4 (7.61 MB)
43 S16L43 [IGA] Ord Built-In Function ord( ).mp4 (3.62 MB)
44 [BIGA] Pow Built-In Function pow( ).mp4 (2.81 MB)
45 [BIGA] Print Built-In Function print( ).mp4 (2.43 MB)
46 [BIGA] Range Built-In Function range( ).mp4 (11.73 MB)
47 [IGA] Repr Built-In Function repr( ).mp4 (5.33 MB)
48 [BIGA] Reversed Built-In Function reversed( ).mp4 (3.96 MB)
49 [BIGA] Round Built-In Function round( ).mp4 (4.97 MB)
5 [GA] ASCII Built-In Function ascii ( ).mp4 (15.68 MB)
50 [IGA] Set Built-In Function set( ).mp4 (5.45 MB)
51 [IGA] Slice Built-In Function slice( ).mp4 (5.64 MB)
52 [BIGA] Sorted Built-In Function sorted( ).mp4 (2.54 MB)
53 [BIGA] Str Built-In Function str( ).mp4 (2.22 MB)
54 [BIGA] Sum Built-In Function sum( ).mp4 (4.35 MB)
55 [BIGA] Tuple Built-In Function tuple( ).mp4 (5.71 MB)
56 [BIGA] Type Built-In Function type( ).mp4 (5.69 MB)
57 [IGA] Zip Built-In Function zip( ).mp4 (5.95 MB)
6 [GA] Bin Built-In Function bin( ).mp4 (6.52 MB)
7 [BIGA] Bool Built-In Function bool( ).mp4 (7.79 MB)
8 [IGA] Breakpoint Built-In Function breakpoint( ).mp4 (9.91 MB)
9 [GA] Bytearray Built-In Function bytearray( ).mp4 (5.3 MB)
1 [BIGA] CONGRATULATIONS & Next Steps!.mp4 (13.86 MB)
1 [BIA] Intro to Data Types and Variables (What, Why and How of Level 2).mp4 (28.04 MB)
10 [BIA] Answer 2 3 How to Change the Content or Type of a Variable.mp4 (24.21 MB)
11 [BIA] Level 2 Final Exercise Currency Converter.mp4 (32.3 MB)
12 [BIA] Level 2 Final Exercise Answer Currency Converter.mp4 (18.09 MB)
2 [BIA] How to Code Data Types & Variables in Python (String+Integer Variables).mp4 (286.57 MB)
3 [BIA] Exercise 2 1 Using String and Integer Data Types.mp4 (15.85 MB)
4 [BIA] Answer 2 1 Using String and Integer Data Types.mp4 (27.24 MB)
5 [BIA] Floating and Boolean Data Types.mp4 (104.58 MB)
6 [BIA] Exercise 2 2 Using Floating and Boolean Data Types.mp4 (20.52 MB)
7 [BIA] Answer 2 2 Using Floating and Boolean Data Types.mp4 (28.69 MB)
8 [BIA] How to Change the Content or Data Type of a Variable (Casting).mp4 (157.15 MB)
9 [BIA] Exercise 2 3 How to Change the Content or Type of a Variable.mp4 (32.15 MB)
1 [BIA] Intro to Python Math (Operators) & Strings (What, Why & How of Level 3).mp4 (28.12 MB)
2 [BIA] Arithmetic Rules in Python.mp4 (47.76 MB)
3 [BIA] Exercise 3 1 Arithmetic Rules in Python.mp4 (18.24 MB)
4 [BIA] Answer 3 1 Arithmetic Rules in Python.mp4 (11.5 MB)
5 [BIA] Stringing Together Variables.mp4 (82.9 MB)
6 [BIA] Exercise 3 2 Stringing Together Variables.mp4 (10.75 MB)
7 [BIA] Answer 3 2 Stringing Together Variables.mp4 (30.71 MB)
8 [BIA] Level 3 Final Exercise Simple Interest Calculator for a Savings Account.mp4 (23.59 MB)
9 [BIA] Level 3 Final Exercise Answer.mp4 (21.39 MB)
1 [BIGA] Intro to Built-InCreating Functions (What, Why & How of Level 4).mp4 (25.99 MB)
10 [BIA] Answer 4 3 Creating Custom Functions Part 1.mp4 (30.36 MB)
11 [IGA] Creating Basic Custom Functions Part 2.mp4 (69.08 MB)
12 [IGA] Exercise 4 4 Creating Basic Custom Functions Part 2.mp4 (16.33 MB)
13 [IGA] Answer 4 4 Creating Basic Custom Functions Part 2.mp4 (51.15 MB)
14 [IGA] Creating Advanced Functions (Keyword and Default Values).mp4 (44.18 MB)
15 [IGA] Exercise 4 5 Creating Advanced Functions Keyword and Default Values).mp4 (20.19 MB)
16 [IGA] Answer 4 5 Creating Advanced Functions (Keyword and Default Values).mp4 (34.18 MB)
17 [IGA] Returning Values from Custom Functions.mp4 (10.7 MB)
18 [IGA] Exercise 4 6 Returning Values from Custom Functions.mp4 (5.44 MB)
19 [IGA] Answer 4 6 Returning Values from Custom Functions.mp4 (9.72 MB)
2 [BIA] Basic Built in Python Functions that Use Math.mp4 (109.71 MB)
20 [BIGA] Level 4 Final Exercise Simple Calculator with Functions.mp4 (32.04 MB)
21 [BIGA] Level 4 Final Exercise Answer Simple Calculator with Functions.mp4 (43.05 MB)
3 [BIA] Exercise 4 1 Built in Functions that Use Math.mp4 (12.07 MB)
4 [BIA] Answer 4 1 Built in Functions that Use Math.mp4 (44.95 MB)
5 [BIA] Input Built in Python Function.mp4 (65.21 MB)
6 [BIA] Exercise 4 2 Input Built in Python Function.mp4 (3.98 MB)
7 [BIA] Answer 4 2 Input Built in Python Function & Stringing Together Objects.mp4 (47.23 MB)
8 [BIA] Creating Basic Custom Functions Part 1.mp4 (53.54 MB)
9 [BIA] Exercise 4 3 Creating Custom Functions Part 1.mp4 (8.31 MB)
1 [BIGA] Intro to List Data Type (What, Why and How of Level 5).mp4 (19.29 MB)
2 [BIGA] How Does the List Data Type Work (and Using the SUM Function).mp4 (173.57 MB)
3 [BIGA] Exercise 5 1 The List Data Type Work (and Using the SUM Function).mp4 (16.25 MB)
4 [BIGA] Answer 5 1 The List Data Type Work (and Using the SUM Function).mp4 (23.37 MB)
5 [BIGA] Level 5 Final Exercise Grocery Shopping List.mp4 (38.85 MB)
6 [BIGA] Level 5 Final Exercise Answer Grocery Shopping List.mp4 (32.44 MB)
1 [BIGA] Intro to Logic and Loops (What, Why and How of Level 6).mp4 (25.92 MB)
10 [BIA] Answer 6 3 Using ELIF in an IF Statement and the OR & AND Logic.mp4 (52.02 MB)
11 [BIGA] Using the MATCH and CASE Logic.mp4 (150.29 MB)
12 [BIGA] Exercise 6 4 Using the MATCH and CASE Logic.mp4 (10.69 MB)
13 [BIGA] Answer 6 4 Using the MATCH and CASE Logic.mp4 (34.52 MB)
14 [BIA] Formatting.mp4 (111.57 MB)
15 [BIA] Exercise 6 5 Formatting.mp4 (18.13 MB)
16 [BIA] Answer 6 5 Formatting.mp4 (29.24 MB)
17 [BIA] Slicing.mp4 (166.9 MB)
18 [BIA] Exercise 6 6 Slicing.mp4 (7 MB)
19 [BIA] Answer 6 6 Slicing.mp4 (16.85 MB)
2 [BIA] The IF, ELSE Statement.mp4 (93.65 MB)
20 [BIA] For Loop.mp4 (90.43 MB)
21 [BIA] Exercise 6 7 For Loop.mp4 (4.83 MB)
22 [BIA] Answer 6 7 For Loop.mp4 (25.81 MB)
23 [BIA] While Loop.mp4 (47.86 MB)
24 [BIA] Exercise 6 8 While Loop.mp4 (13.44 MB)
25 [BIA] Answer 6 8 While Loop.mp4 (21.09 MB)
26 [IGA] Level 6 Final Exercise Time Tracker for Tasks.mp4 (36.54 MB)
27 [IGA] Level 6 Final Exercise Answer Time Tracker for Tasks.mp4 (61.05 MB)
3 [BIA] Exercise 6 1 The IF, ELSE Statement.mp4 (22.59 MB)
4 [BIA] Answer 6 1 The IF, ELSE Statement.mp4 (28.15 MB)
5 [BIA] Using A Nested IF Statement.mp4 (62.38 MB)
6 [BIA] Exercise 6 2 Using A Nested IF Statement.mp4 (13.39 MB)
7 [BIA] Answer 6 2 Using A Nested IF Statement.mp4 (23.43 MB)
8 [BIA] Using ELIF in an IF Statement and the OR & AND Logic.mp4 (231.23 MB)
9 [BIA] Exercise 6 3 Using ELIF in an IF Statement and the OR & AND Logic.mp4 (31.09 MB)
1 [BIGA] Intro to More Data Types (What, Why and How of Level 7).mp4 (31.29 MB)
10 [IGA] Exercise 7 3 Sets.mp4 (16.15 MB)
11 [IGA] Answer 7 3 Sets.mp4 (28.79 MB)
12 [IGA] Level 7 Final Exercise Restaurant Menu Manager.mp4 (28.57 MB)
13 [IGA] Level 7 Final Exercise Answer Restaurant Menu Manager.mp4 (94.75 MB)
2 [BIGA] Tuples Explained How is it Different from a List.mp4 (132.11 MB)
3 [BIGA] Exercise 7 1 Tuples.mp4 (20.57 MB)
4 [BIGA] Answer 7 1 Tuples.mp4 (34.63 MB)
5 [IGA] Introduction to Dictionaries.mp4 (144.02 MB)
6 [IGA] Dictionary MethodsFunctionality.mp4 (154.26 MB)
7 [IGA] Exercise 7 2 Dictionaries.mp4 (22.74 MB)
8 [IGA] Answer 7 2 Dictionaries.mp4 (38.56 MB)
9 [IGA] Introduction to Sets.mp4 (124.77 MB)
1 [BIGA] Intro to Methods and Advanced Strings (What, Why and How of Level 8).mp4 (23.99 MB)
10 [IGA] Answer 8 3 Advanced String Operations.mp4 (27.68 MB)
11 [GA] Lambda Functions & Map.mp4 (123.05 MB)
12 [GA] Recursion.mp4 (250.58 MB)
13 [IGA] Level 8 Final Exercise Customer Support Chat Log Analysis.mp4 (20.25 MB)
14 [IGA] Level 8 Final Exercise Answer Customer Support Chat Log Analysis.mp4 (48.82 MB)
2 [BIA] What is a Method and How do Get the Methods for An Object.mp4 (88.93 MB)
3 [BIA] Exercise 8 1 Methods.mp4 (7.04 MB)
4 [BIA] Answer 8 1 Methods.mp4 (11.12 MB)
5 [BIGA] String Methods.mp4 (95.54 MB)
6 [BIGA] Exercise 8 2 String Methods.mp4 (23.57 MB)
7 [BIGA] Answer 8 2 String Methods.mp4 (27.52 MB)
8 [IGA] Advanced String Operations.mp4 (325.73 MB)
9 [IGA] Exercise 8 3 Advanced String Operations.mp4 (25.96 MB)
1 [BIGA] Intro to OOP (What, Why and How of Level 9).mp4 (22.88 MB)
10 [IGA] Inheritance Extending Functionality.mp4 (137.87 MB)
11 [IGA] Encapsulation Hiding Information.mp4 (84.12 MB)
12 [IGA] Exercise 9 3 Implementing Encapsulation.mp4 (20.65 MB)
13 [IGA] Answer 9 3 Implementing Encapsulation.mp4 (34.4 MB)
14 [IGA] Understanding Magic Dunder Methods.mp4 (160.76 MB)
15 [GA] Understanding Composition and Aggregation.mp4 (47.99 MB)
16 [GA] Level 9 Final Exercise Simple Bank Account Manager.mp4 (25.67 MB)
17 [GA] Level 9 Final Exercise Answer Simple Bank Account Manager.mp4 (101.11 MB)
2 [BIGA] Understanding Classes and Instances.mp4 (217.96 MB)
3 [BIGA] Exercise 9 1 Creating Your First Class and Instance.mp4 (18.72 MB)
4 [BIGA] Answer 9 1 Creating Your First Class and Instance.mp4 (32.1 MB)
5 [BIGA] Defining Methods in a Class.mp4 (46.67 MB)
6 [IGA] Understanding Self in Python.mp4 (137.39 MB)
7 [IGA] Class Attributes Versus Instance Attributes.mp4 (72.76 MB)
8 [IGA] Exercise 9 2 Classes, Instances and Attributes.mp4 (16.47 MB)
9 [IGA] Answer 9 2 Classes, Instances and Attributes.mp4 (33.68 MB)]


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