1. saqib2619

    Login:Pass **Top free AI tools that make Android applications without programming**

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    Login:Pass Udemy – Laravel 10- Job portal application 2023 (go beginner to pro)

    Laravel 10- Job portal application 2023 (go beginner to pro) Let’s learn laravel from basics and make a complete job portal web application. Enroll today for a rewarding learning. You Can Learn Udemy – PHP with MySQL 2023: Build Amazing Streaming Service What you’ll learn Laravel 10 from...
  3. Camaro

    Login:Pass Application 3D Anatomy gratuit sur iOS

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  4. ladenhasan29

    Mobile Hacking: Reversing Android Application

    Mobile Hacking: Reversing Android Application Intro Course What you’ll learn Basic Android OS concept Explorering Android APK Android SMALI Code Reversing APK [Static analysis] Basic Android tools APK Bypasses / Hacking APK Patching Requirements Very basic understanding in code or hacking...
  5. ladenhasan29

    Udemy – Laravel 10- Job portal application 2023 (go beginner to pro)

    Laravel 10- Job portal application 2023 (go beginner to pro) Let’s learn laravel from basics and make a complete job portal web application. Enroll today for a rewarding learning. You Can Learn Udemy – PHP with MySQL 2023: Build Amazing Streaming Service What you’ll learn Laravel 10 from...
  6. any4eel

    Interactive application security testing platform

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  9. Evie

    Source Code HYIPLab v1.1 - Cross Platform Mobile Application

    HyipLab is an advanced investment mobile application(Android & IOS) that comes with the “HYIPLAB-Complete HYIP Investment system” CMS. This is a well-architect, powerful, secure, well-optimized, and responsive mobile application(Android &IOS) that comes to satisfy all investment platform owner...
  10. m88220428

    Botble v6.8.0 - Laravel CMS, CRUD generator

    Botble is a CMS based on Laravel Framework that allows you to build websites for any purpose. It has powerful tools for developers to build any kind of website. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/botble-cms-php-platform-based-on-laravel-framework/16928182...
  11. carxproveteran

    Google Bard -LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Application)

    Google Bard -LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Application) This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to use Google Bard to generate creative content, translate What you'll learn Understand the different components of Google Bard Learn how to use Google Bard to generate...
  12. mohamedatya012

    Source Code Ultimate POS v5.1 - Best ERP

    With this application, you are assured to save time-consuming process of bookkeeping accounting and inventory information. Also, you will have all the required information for detailed analysis of your business. https://workupload.com/file/KGk5ERW3UJr...
  13. Snate

    [100% Off] Python Programming: Django Web Application

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  14. Snate

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  15. StrokeMyCactus

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  16. SXHAM

    Multi/Others Hack any mobiles | ⭕️ SXHAM RAT:Access anyones phone

    :dance2: Hack mobiles |⭕️ SXHAM RAT: Create, and listen to payloads using mobile application? ?Introducing SXHAM-RAT! ? A Advanced Remote Administration Tool that lets you create and bind payloads with any application, Generate WhatsApp payloads! Using simple apllication?? Exploit...
  17. W

    Penetration Testing Course

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  18. Bluetweak

    To-Do List Application

    print("To-Do List Application") tasks = [] while True: print("1. Add Task") print("2. View Tasks") print("3. Mark Task as Completed") print("4. Exit") choice = int(input("Enter your choice: ")) if choice == 1: task = input("Enter the task: ")...
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  22. joni032

    Web Application: Step by Step Guide

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    Combo Tools League of Legends Account Checker (Multi-Region)

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    ID Fake ID Cards Creator application

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  25. insane1696

    Application Ethical Hacking Course

    hat is an ethical hacker? Also known as “white hats,” ethical hackers are security experts that perform these security assessments. The proactive work they do helps to improve an organization’s security posture. With prior approval from the organization or owner of the IT asset, the mission of...
  26. grkvgi544

    XSender - Bulk Email, SMS and WhatsApp Messaging Application v1.5.1

    XSender Laravel Web Application sends bulk Emails through SMTP, PHP Mailer, Send Grid API, and also sends mass SMS via android device using SIM and SMS API Gateway. Also, You can send mass WhatsApp messaging, SMS and Email as a promotional campaign or others. Download
  27. tapeolivia

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  28. tapeolivia

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  29. irfanaspl

    Jampack - Admin CRM Application Template

    Jampack is loaded with many operational, strategic, analytical, and collaborative applications. Jampack is a Bootstrap 5.X.X, Jquery 3.X & Sass-based solid core framework that works well for all screen sizes and modern browsers. HTML5 validated code – kept simple and orderly that any developer...
  30. h0x

    XSender v1.5.1 - Bulk Email, SMS and WhatsApp Messaging Application

    XSender Laravel Web Application sends bulk Emails through SMTP, PHP Mailer, Send Grid API, and also sends mass SMS via android device using SIM and SMS API Gateway. Also, You can send mass WhatsApp messaging, SMS and Email as a promotional campaign or others. *** Hidden text: You do not have...
  31. Tahsinmoon

    Source Code Source Code Ultimate SMS v3.7.0 – Bulk SMS Application For Marketing (Nulled)

    Ultimate SMS is a powerful, flexible, and User-friendly Bulk SMS Marketing Application. It’s also an all-in-one solution for your SMS marketing. It’s easy to use & install. Thanks for getting in touch. Have you bought the ultimate sms? If yes, please create a support ticket on our support...
  32. 0tinl4ki

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    WP Formidable Forms Pro - WordPress Best Forms Plugin v6.4

    Download Formidable Forms Pro v6.4 - WordPress Forms Plugin & Online Application Builder Nulled Free Formidable Forms v6.4 JULY 13, 2023 BY MIKE New: The read only option has been added to Name fields. New: Rootlines can now be focused with the tab key and are labelled with the rootline...
  34. hemkum


    Augmented reality (AR) is the integration of digital information with the user's environment in real time. Unlike virtual reality (VR), which creates a totally artificial environment, AR users experience a real-world environment with generated perceptual information overlaid on top of it...
  35. omar1983

    Login:Pass The most beautiful application that works with the activation code

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  36. carxproveteran

    Google Bard (Language Model for Dialogue Application)

    Google Bard -LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Application) This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to use Google Bard to generate creative content, translate What you'll learn Understand the different components of Google Bard Learn how to use Google Bard to generate...
  37. charif

    Course/Tutorial ✨ 1300 AI Tools Application in One Place ✨

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  38. Mr.walter0.1

    Mailer Sender Acelle - Email Marketing Web Application V4.0.25 latest version [Nulled]

    Acelle - Email Marketing Web Application V4.0.25 latest version [Nulled] Acelle Mail is a self hosted, full-featured and easy to use Email Marketing Web Application written in PHP / Laravel that lets you send high-volume marketing emails via your own server or through other email service (SMTP)...
  39. irunvai

    Udemy - MERN stack complete Blog Application from scratch 2022

    Requirements Basic understanding of javascript Basic understanding of react js You must have some experience in node js At least you have created a simple API using node and mogodb Familiar with redux Description Course description: This course is all about managing the state in react...
  40. bisicletta

    Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA)

    Damn Vulnerable Web Application Damn Vulnerable Web Application is a PHP/MySQL app that you can practice lots of fundamental attacks such as XSS, CSRF, Injection attacks with determining the difficulty. Would strongly recommend to the people who is trying to learn fundamentals of attack vectors...
  41. Crd2life


    AUTHORIZED USER CREDIT CARD APPLICATION TO YOUR DROP 1. Buy high quality fullz with good credit score. You can get FULLZ with creditcore on the deepweb. 2. Now that you have your fullz with good credit score, you will need a credit card company that allows you to add Authorize User...
  42. bendoz

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  43. F0rS3c

    Mastering Payloads for Web Application Security

    As a bug bounty hunter, you must be aware of different types of payloads that you can use to test the vulnerabilities of web applications. Among these, XSS, LFI, REC, and SQL injection are the most commonly used payloads. In this blog, we will discuss 4 different payloads that can be used for...
  44. jerrar670

    The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)

    The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) - OWASP is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving software security. They provide resources and tools for ethical hackers to identify and address security vulnerabilities in web applications.vvv
  45. F0rS3c

    Web application penetration testing

    Web application penetration testing is a technique of simulating attacks to find weaknesses in any web program and then exploiting them across all of its components to gain access to confidential data. Every type of organization, small and large, is moving to the digital realm as a result of...
  46. E

    Application for rent and Receipts with Fullz info

    Application for rent with fullz detail plus all plus all
  47. timafo

    Mailer - Email Marketing Application v1.2 Nulled

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  48. not30362

    The best alternative application Mega

    The best alternative application Mega To enjoy learning programming and porn without restrictions Link: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ****** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the...
  49. HenryGX


    Customization: Lucky Patcher offers a range of customization options for Android users, allowing them to modify and customize their installed apps to better suit their needs. App Removal: The app allows users to easily remove unwanted apps from their devices without the need for root access...
  50. Toha90

    Multi/Others Acunetix v15 build v15.4 - 23 Feb 2023 | Web Application Security Scanner

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