Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) is a high-throughput genetic marker technique that can detect allelic variations to provides comprehensive genome coverage without any DNA sequence information for genotyping and other genetic analysis. The general steps involve reducing the complexity of the genomic DNA with specific restriction enzymes, choosing diverse fragments to serve as representations for the parent genomes, amplify via polymerase chain reaction (PCR), insert fragments into a vector to be placed as probes within a microarray, then fluorescent targets from a reference sequence will be allowed to hybridize with probes and put through an imaging system. The objective is to identify and quantify various forms of DNA polymorphism within genomic DNA of sampled species.First reported in 2001 by Damian Jaccoud, Andrzej Kilian, David Feinstein, and Kaiman Peng, DArT prioritized significant advantages over other traditional primer-based methods like the ability to analyze large amounts of various samples from a low amount of initial DNA. It also afforded low costs and faster results compared to related solid state DNA arrays that detected Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). Since its inception, the technology has been a major instrument in the analysis of polyploid plants as well as in the construction of physical and genetic map to understand related on species based on similarities and allelic variances among their genomes.

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