1. introduction

    Phishing Files & Documents

    Office Documents Microsoft Word performs file data validation before opening a file. Data validation is performed in the form of data structure identification, against the OfficeOpenXML standard. If any error occurs during the data structure identification, the file being analysed will not be...
  2. patronarh

    ID passport fresh documents

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  3. patronarh

    Passport passport fresh documents

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  4. patronarh

    Passport passport fresh documents

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  5. patronarh

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  6. patronarh

    ID id france ,fresh id documents

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  7. Muja


    Its very popular trend, because everywhere kyc is mandantory and for the privacy purpose we use this As kyc provider like sumsub and jumio, etc are very advance in technolofy to bypass them we need to uses psd file. you can download and buy it from google for any country you cacn find it...
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  10. amomrha


    ¡¡Bros!! Aquí encontrarás muchas cosas para editar documentos e identificaciones. NO LA MÍA. https://mega.nz/folder/Qf4xgazb#XD2jfi79uqvHoRPAStWwng Me gusta y el representante estaría muy agradecido por mí ;)
  11. aaronbriggs007

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  12. deadmau98

    Letter Bills 1GB Proof of Address Documents (templates, bank statements etc.) US/EU

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  13. Jg999


  14. OnHamza2TV

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  15. jfjffkfkk

    [GET] 3 months of Hyperskill for free

    If you don’t know about Hyperskill, Hyperskill.org 128 is a platform created by JetBrains which offers interactive project-based learning combined with powerful, professional development tools. Advance your Java and Python skills, with more programming languages to come. Mainly it is about...
  16. sakiay


    This file is full of images of documents by the pentagon, enjoy.
  17. Brainsomers

    MIX Carding in general 71 Documents

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  18. flameball426


    The FBI has been interviewing members of a private Discord server where a 21-year-old National Guardsman is alleged to have shared classified documents, an indication that law enforcement officials are trying to understand how potentially dozens of people may have had access to highly sensitive...
  19. V

    ID Passport Selling real any documents of all countrieS

    DOCUMENTS FOR KYC *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** Selling real documents of ALL COUNTRIES🌎 USA 🇺🇸 DL + ssn Austria 🇦🇹 Australia 🇦🇺 England 🇬🇧 Belgium🇧🇪 Canada 🇨🇦 Brazil 🇧🇷 DL, id with CPF Vietnam 🇻🇳 Netherlands 🇳🇱 Germany...
  20. ChanChinuio

    Search for private documents with Google

    Hi bros! May be most of you already know this, but is very useful, and I think that can be used to get confidential documents, so I will make this post. Using the appropriate dork you can get interesting documents. For example using this dork, you can get many sql exports, some of them...
  21. SEMtex444

    Passport Photoshop Documents To Create Fake IDs , CCs Etc.

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  22. ziedroot


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  23. redline15

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  24. redline15

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  25. JoaozinhoGames

    ID License Id's Photoshop Documents (PSD)

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  26. agnagni12

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  27. sara1337

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  28. WHU3735

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  30. kalustender


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  31. kalustender

    ID France Driver License 2015+

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  32. unpajuo

    ID License Documents for KYC

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    Passport Documents FOR KYC_8

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    Passport License Documents for KYC_2

    Link: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  36. zaumia

    ID Identity documents of the oppressive forces of Iran

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  37. Narutoz

    Method/Tut GET FREE CC/VCC NOW! Without Any Documents

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  38. V

    USA/EU Underground Documents available

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  39. Deadpool

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  40. Tobi

    Method/TUT Cashout Buy Verified Stripe Account With Documents

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  41. unknownph

    Private 1K Course Hero Documents to Upload

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  42. Hikino

    ID Spain: Documento nacional de identidad

    Spain: Documento nacional de identidad
  43. elprodocs

    Others El Professor (Drawing Documents And Verifying Any Accounts)

    We are glad to see you in the service for drawing documents and verifying various accounts from the Professor! Contacts for communication: Telegram - @elprodocs https://t.me/elprodocs
  44. risovka

    ID Passport Paiting Of All Docume OF ALL DOCUMENTS Any Level Of Difficulty

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  45. 6104Spring6104

    Usefull Websites

    Hey guys here is the list of 57 websites that you might find useful in your day to day works . 1. screenr.com - Record movies of your desktop and send them straight to YouTube. 2. bounceapp.com - For capturing full length screenshots of web pages. 3. Goo.gl - Shorten long URLs and convert...
  46. peebeekay

    Brute Multi/Others Macro Office Exploit Builder - Spread Your Files EZ

    MacroPack Community is a tool used to automatize obfuscation and generation of retro formats such as MS Office documents or VBS like format. It also handles various shortcuts formats. This tool can be used for red teaming, pentests, demos, and social engineering assessments. MacroPack will...
  47. jeew629

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    UK DOCUMENTS real scan ID’s ,PASSPORT, DRIVING *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  48. D

    How To QUICKLY Build Malware Documents 2021 (word, Excel, PPT, Etc..)

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  49. TDSf0x_X

    Private Gov. 🇨🇳 Chinese Ministry Of Commerce 😬

    Documents released through Par:AnoIA, allegedly containing details about deals with Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The documents are partly in English, Russian and Chinese. One document, obtained from the Chinese foreign office in Minsk indicates relations between the notorious Russian mob boss...
  50. DHCP12

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