Loli, historically also known as Lauli, is a district (kecamatan) in West Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. The district consists of nine villages and five urban villages (kelurahan) and has its seat in Doka Kaka village. The district has a total area of 122.49 square kilometres (47.29 sq mi) and has a population of 38,932 as of 2020. The most populous village in the district is Soba Wawi, which has a population of 6,902 people, while the most densely populated village is Wee Karou with density of 731.67 people per square kilometer. The district is the site of Gollu Potto, a statue of Jesus which is one of the main landmarks of the regency itself and the largest in the island of Sumba.

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