The Samsung SGH-i900, also known as Omnia I or WiTu (in Russia only), is a smartphone created by Samsung Mobile. Announced in June 2008, the Omnia was launched in Singapore in mid-June, available in stores on the 20th of June, and in the rest of Asia in July. For some parts of Europe, it was launched in August. It was made available for the United States in December 2008 through Verizon Wireless and for Canada in April 2009 through Telus Mobility.
The Omnia was Samsung Mobile's top-of-the-line flagship handset. It runs on Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, but comes other applications preinstalled to make its GUI and its functions distinguishable from others running the same platform:
Samsung Today Screen 1 (alternative home screen UI)
Samsung Today Screen 2 (similar to Samsung Today Screen 1)
Samsung Touch Wiz UI (alternative application menu with a widget bar and widgets)
All these applications have the ability to be controlled by sliding the finger across the screen. The third Today Screen has gained interest because of its control method. It uses about a fourth of the screen on the left side to hold a bar of widgets that can be scrolled up and down. The rest of the screen is customizable, as widgets can be pulled out of the sidebar and onto the main screen to be expanded for quick use.
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