"Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes" is the first episode of the twentieth season of the American animated television series The Simpsons. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on September 28, 2008. In the episode, Homer meets bail bondsman Lucky Jim and Wolf the Bounty Hunter after getting charged for being involved in a fight, and they convince him to become a bounty hunter. In a twisted turn of events, he becomes Ned Flanders' partner. Meanwhile, Marge unknowingly begins working at an erotic bakery.
The episode was written by Kevin Curran and directed by Lance Kramer. Julia Louis-Dreyfus returns as Snake's girlfriend Gloria for the third time. Robert Forster provides the voice of Lucky Jim, and Joe Mantegna returns as the recurring character Fat Tony in the episode."Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes" has received positive reviews from television critics. It was watched by 9.3 million viewers the night it aired.

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