Unreal (stylized as UnREAL) is an American drama television series that premiered on Lifetime on June 1, 2015. It stars Shiri Appleby as a young reality television producer pushed by her unscrupulous boss (Constance Zimmer) to swallow her integrity and do anything it takes to drum up salacious show content. The show was created by Marti Noxon and Sarah Gertrude Shapiro, and was inspired by Shapiro's award-winning independent short film Sequin Raze.On July 28, 2017, it was announced that Unreal has been renewed for a shortened fourth season of eight episodes. The fourth season completed production in January 2018 before the third season had aired. By May 22, 2018, the fourth season had been acquired by Hulu. The streaming service distributed the series exclusively as a "Hulu Original" in the United States for a set period of time before the episodes aired on Lifetime. On July 16, 2018, the fourth season was released on Hulu and it was confirmed that the season would be the series' last.

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