Pokémon: Jirachi — Wish Maker is a 2003 animated adventure fantasy film directed by Kunihiko Yuyama. It is the sixth theatrical release in the Pokémon franchise. It was accompanied by the short Gotta Dance.The film was released in theaters in Japan on July 19, 2003, by Toho. The English-language adaptation was distributed by Miramax Films and released direct-to-video on June 1, 2004. The events of the film take place during the sixth season of Pokémon: Advanced, being the first film to feature characters from Advanced Generation.
The featured song in this movie is Asuca Hayashi's A Small Thing (小さきもの, Chiisaki Mono) in the Japanese version while the English version, Make a Wish, was sung by Cindy Mizelle. The tune of this song is also used as the lullaby May and Max's mother used to sing to them when they were children. This is the first movie in which the original Japanese song is also clearly used in the English version, and the first time in which the names of the guest characters were the same in both the English and Japanese versions.
The movie's main location, Forina, is based on Wulingyuan, located in the Hunan Province of China.

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